Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Where has the time gone...

I am about to be another year older tomorrow, and just thinking of the day makes me both happy and sad. Of course I am beyond ecstatic that I will be 24 tomorrow, a nice even number divisible by 2,3,4,6,8,12,24...but I am sad because I feel like I should have accomplished much more by now.. yes I have graduated from college which is pseudo-important to me, but there are many things that I still need to do or accomplish. So I've been racking my brain, and I've compiled a list of 60 things that I need to do by the time I'm 30 years old (6 years and one day from now) I need to have these completed.

and here is that above mentioned list: (in no particular order)

1.) Go to a Broadway play on actual Broadway... in New York
2.) Read all of C.S. Forester's written works
3.) Learn at least one song on my guitar.
4.) Own 30 pairs of designer heels
5.) Visit London, specifically the Tower of London
6.) Ride in a hot air ballon
7.) Learn a monologue and perform it to a crowd
8.) Learn French
9.) Watch every Marlon Brando movie
10.) Go to a live taping of a late-night talk show
11.) Sew a complete dress
12.) Plant a garden
13.) Get married
14.) Learn how to drive a manuel
15.) Visit Palenque, in southern Mexico
16.) Post on a blog site for a complete year
17.) Make a short film
18.) Go to a film festival
19.) Eat at Hell's Kitchen
20.) Fly a kite on a beach
21.) Lose weight
22.) Visit Tonga
23.) Eat a croissant in Paris
24.) Get a job in a foreign country
25.) Buy an amazing car
26.) Host a fancy dinner party
27.) Have a baby named Skylar Jean
28.) Take a picture with every state sign
29.) Run a half-marathon
30.) Ride a horse
31.) Watch Gone with the Wind
32.) Fish in Oregon
33.) Buy a bow tie
34.) Go to a major sporting event
35.) Go to a flea market
36.) Refinish an old table
37.) Volunteer at a soup kitchen
38.) Stomp grapes in Italy
39.) Go to an Olympic event
40.) Ride on a sail boat
41.) Make my own perfume
42.) Own another Japanese Chin and name him Gatsby
43.) Go to a fancy spa
44.) Learn how to ski
45.) Go to a cool thrift store in Austin, Texas
46.) Watch My Chemical Romance live
47.) Be in the Top Gear studio
48.) Take a picture with someone famous
49.) Write a short story
50.) Get that short story published
51.) Listen to all of the Beatles recordings
52.) Drink Beer in Germany
53.) Drive on the Autobahn
54.) Join a book club
55.) Visit India
56.) Eat a hot dog in Central Park
57.) Have my Master's degree in Economics
58.) Visit Kensington, and Versailles in the same day
59.) Bake a Souffle
60.) Purchase my first home

This is a long list but I'm actually working on some of these right now, hopefully I can accomplish many of these before I am 30.

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