Friday, June 29, 2012 I miss them

I think as soon as I get home I'm going to wash and comb out my hair and get my yarn ready to braid my hair, I think I'm just going to do all black and make them long like they were before. Hopefully I will be done by Sunday. I have no where to go this weekend anyway. Only two more classes and Wednesday is the 4th of July and then I have finals on the 5th. I am ready for this to be over. I haven't found out what I made on Dr. Masha's exam yet I guess I will find that out on Monday. I'm hoping I passed. Nisha made dinner yesterday and it was delicious. Tacos... I love Mexican food. I only have to stay here for two more hours, work literally sucks, because none of the other student assistants show up anymore so it is always me holding down the fort until 4:38 when I leave.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Well right now I am sitting at work, contemplating the whole internship thing. I have no experience only a formal education, so I really could use the work experience and it would be a great way to apply what literally cost me tens of thousands of dollars to gain. Oh and I am beyond exhausted. I don't know if it's the heat or the whole not eating thing (not by choice... haven't went to the store, oh and I am poor) My poor tummy is rumbling. For the past week my dinner(only meal of the day) which usually takes place between 6 and 7 has consisted of a package of Ramen and two scrambled eggs. SO SAD. Oh and I had an exam today and I totally bombed it, I don't even want to know what I made. I'm going to die. Work is so boring and I have 45 minutes left, I have no money, and will probably eventually needing to get a second job over night somewhere. Which while already working and taking summer classes will surely be the death of me.

Why is my life so crappy.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Goodbye Shadows

I love Zooey Deschanel. I'm currently listening to She & Him waiting before my class starts. I did manage to study some in the library after my first class. I hope I do well enough in this class to make a B overall. I also realized that drinking hot coffee in over 100 degree weather while walking to class was not the best of choices. After this I will go to work for around 4 hours and then I'm going to take a giant nap in our ultra cooled down home. 4 more class days. Hurry up, I'm tired of these summer session even though I can't believe it's already been a month. The time is going by pretty fast.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I need money

well my sister hasn't had a job since may which means all of my money is going to bills until my mom gives us money to pay our rent. She went back to talk to her old boss because since she is going to graduate school maybe she could get her old job back. He said he would email her tomorrow. I know we are going to have to turn the cable off because it is almost two hundred bucks and literally we watch nothing, or there is nothing on. I'm happy to continue to pay around 20 bucks to watch internet tv. Between our Netflix, Amazon Prime, and now Hulu plus we can continue to watch the shows that we do watch but we will have to do something about True Blood or we will just have to wait until she gets a job to get HBO again.

I was just feeling really lazy today and I did not go to any of my classes today and I didn't go to work or study for my exam that I have tomorrow. I just basically slept till 3:30 pm or so. I will probably wake up early and eat eggs and coffee, go to my Math Analysis class, then head to the library and study for two hours and then take my exam and then head to work. I have some knowledge on the subject but I need to make an A on this exam and I didn't do as well on his exam last week.

I'm ready for Summer 1 to be over. I'm ready for the fourth of July and eating watermelon and braiding my hair. It has been really hot lately like 104. I'm going to die this summer.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Today was a big fail

I didn't cook or clean or study hardly. I just laid in bed and watched Bob's Burgers on Netflix. That show is amazing and my new favorite animated series. I watched Last Tango in Paris, which was blah. I wish I hadn't watched that and Marlon Brando in his older years performing sexual acts on a young french girl was not hot at all. I watched True Blood and I hope Tara is dead for good. On the plus side this is the last week of school before finals and Summer 1 will be over. Let the exams commence this week.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


I've been reviewing for my upcoming exams watching a Girls marathon on HBO for the past couple of hours, and now I am eating chicken nuggets. What an amazing Saturday. My life is sort of blah right now I think I will make tea later. I haven't had any in a while. I need to move to New York soon. I need a grown up job. I'm so close to graduating.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


my tummy has not been right for a couple of days now.... one more day

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sweet Tea

Is probably one of my favorite drinks any time of the year. I don't care if it's freshly brewed or out of a can (which is how I'm consuming it right now) I love it. I trying to rush and it lunch in like 15 minutes since Masha let us out of his class early. He actually let us out an hour early. I made a C on that exam. That is so sad. I need to make an A on the next exam which is Tuesday and an A on the final if I want to have a chance at making an A in his class.... I should have studied. It has been extra annoying walking around campus today because of all the incoming freshman walking around during their orientation. Why do they insist on standing  in the middle of your walk way looking so stupid. I made mini apple pies yesterday and they were so cute... check out this cute pic

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Today was hellish

I was bored out of my mind I had to leave at 4:00pm. I also had an exam and it was hard. I'll find out my grade tomorrow. I'm going to make mini apple pies for dessert and for dinner BBQ baked chicken, green beans, and spiral mac and cheese. It's going to be amazing. We haven't had a home cooked meal in a long time.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Exam Tomorrow...

I feel pretty confident that I will do well on it. It's over a topic that I have a grasp on. I didn't make it to class today because I was mainly being lazy and I just wanted to sleep. I need to stop doing that I just have less than two weeks left. I'm probably so far behind in my math class. I have the books in both classes so that is a good thing.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day right.....

I talked to Glen Glen a bit today and yesterday since it was his birthday. He turned 55. He's such an old man. Me and Nisha sent him a gift card to go out to eat with our mom and we added a birthday card too. I'm not surprised our brother didn't even give him a call today or yesterday. He's such a loser. I miss Peter Campbell. Why is Mad Men over. Oh made blackberry dumplings, and watched True Blood, it's picking up. I finished my math homework but I don't know if it's right. My International Economics book came in the mail friday when I got home from class, and Dr. Masha moved the exam to this Tuesday so I will probably study for that tomorrow. Only two more weeks. Time for a shitty week to start again.

Friday, June 15, 2012

So far....

This friday has been pretty simple, I went to work at 8:38 because I finished my exam in less than 30 minutes, and I wish that I had spent a bit more time on it. I ended up making a 94 which is disappointing because there was a 15 point bonus question, which I got right. I just made some careless mistakes on a couple of problems. I have one more exam at 12, and then I will head back to work. It's been pretty nice at work because my boss is not there, but he will just show up and ruin it because he is on "vacation". I need to make an A on this exam. I need to actually make A's in both of these classes, and where the hell is my book for this class, I fear that it will be delivered when I'm finished with the class. We only have two more weeks.  I've been listening to She & Him most of the morning...damn that Zoey Deschanel and her quirky cuteness.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


There is a thunderstorm outside my window. Which means I can not study in my room because the sound scares my dog, who then cries all night. I have two exams tomorrow and then work. I just need to make it this last day and then my weekend will be filled with cleaning and homework. Oh possibly applying for new jobs.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Mish Mash

I didn't make it to class today, I wasn't feeling well at all. I was able to sleep a couple of hours more than I usually would, and one of my text books finally came in today which is great because I have a test on Friday.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

things are getting better

Me and Nisha are back to our old ways of getting along. Everything is better when that happens. I actually apologized and helped smooth things over. I overheard my mom talking on the phone to Nisha and she asked if I was going to work everyday, which annoyed me. Why would she think I wasn't going to work. Not only am I up at 7am to go to class every morning, I also work in between and I don't get home till after 5pm, and then I do homework and I try to make it to bed before midnight. Monday - Friday. She never makes comments about anyone else but me. It's disturbing.

I don't really feel right, I drank an energy drink a couple of hours ago and now I feel a bit dizzy.

I have two exams to study for this upcoming friday, and of course work in between. This should be a fun week. I deleted my Facebook and it's been great not constantly updating things. My twitter has been seeing more action though.

Monday, June 11, 2012

In need of a new roommate

I need to live this place, it is taking an emotional toll on me. I need to live on my own, to experience things on my own. I need to be my own person. One more semester and my dreams will come true.

I'm beyond exhausted, I don't know if Monday's are the reason for this. I screwed up on my homework and I forgot to answer two questions. In Dr. Masha's class I missed turning in an assignment. I need to focus more. I have things to do right now, but I physically feel like I can't move. I think I'm going to take a nap right now.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Gah My neighbor just invited me over to roast smores in their backyard. Thank you summer classes for ruining fun weekends with homework. Stupid Math Analysis. It is taking me longer to finish the assignments because I haven't received the book that I ordered and I have to teach myself how to work the problems. True Blood was rather boring today. I think I'm going to go to bed now.

Cheers to the Freaking Weekend

I'll drink to that.... this weekend has been ok, other than the fact that we had to do some car repairs that sucked up about $225 dollars out of my account... but my mom told me to take it out of her account so that is good. School is going alright 3 more weeks. I actually have homework to do today.  I went to the store yesterday, yes for Market Street now being open 24 hours. I bought two packages of blackberries, 2 lbs of grapes, nectarines, english muffins, yogurt, orange juice, blackberry preserves, cream cheese, cereal bars... yadda yadda no more waisting money at Starbucks for bagels and coffee. I will be doing this at my home. Breakfast for cheap.

Why do weekends go by so fast. I need to wash and condition my hair, then put it in flat twists, cook dinner, laundry, homework, and it's already 2:00pm.

True Blood starts today which is good, Mad Men ends today which is sad.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Kill me

My Math Analysis class is really going to be the death of me. I mean it is so damn slow, and boring. People act like they can't do basic math...what is x.... what do you mean it is just a variable, it means what you assign it to be. It could be called M. I am dreading that class every 8am. The professor has to waste time to explain the most basic things. I mean some people need to just hire a tutor.

I'm so ready to go home, I'm tired and in a sort of grumpy mood. I'm about to eat lunch and I don't get off until 4:30. I can't wait till the weekend. My mom gave me like 600 bucks yesterday to pay for things like my rent, even though I had most of it. She is a sweet mom. I'm just going to save it, I will not go shopping.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I was having horrible stomach pains last night, as well as a spider problem ( I saw a spider in my room two days ago) I haven't been able to sleep much. By not being able to sleep much I am tired at 6:30am, and I can't get up in time to not miss my 8am class. I am now attempting to go to bed before 11 so I will hopefully wake up refreshed. Maybe I will wake up early enough to eat breakfast and some coffee. All I did today was sleep and I went to work before noon. Such a success.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

What I learned today

A few things I've learned after my first days of summer 1 classes.

1.) 8am classes still suck.
2.) I need coffee to function that early
3.) Don't question yourself
4.) Choose what's easy, don't make things harder than they have to be
5.) Speak up

Monday, June 4, 2012

Goodbye Summer

Today is my last day of summer vacation practically and then Summer 1 starts. I have a meeting with my advisor to change from international economics to just economics with a concentration in political science.  It's basically the same because I'm still focusing on international economics and international politics. I think that I need to delete my Facebook soon, for sure before I move. It takes up a bit of my time, and the people I want to forget. That sounds mean, but when I graduate which should be sooner than I think, I want to start fresh somewhere else. I think I will be much happier.

Weird note. I stayed up watching The Vampire Diaries all night on Netflix, I didn't go to sleep until 7am. hahaha it's so cheesy and I'm only half way through season 1. What a way to end my summer break.

I'm still trying to figure out my book angle....

Sunday, June 3, 2012

I can't wait to move

Some people can be such jerks......I'm speechless I guess this will be a sunday spent alone.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

There's a place....

on Ocean Avenue, where I used to sit and talk with you. We were both 16 and it felt so right, sleeping all day, staying up all night.

Thats my mantra for the day.

I've enjoyed sleeping all day watching movies all night. It's been great

Friday, June 1, 2012

Three Day weekend

Sort Summer 1 classes are all paid for, with 79 bucks to spare. I think I'm going to spend much of the weekend and Monday watching movies and sleeping. 8am classes start on Tuesday.