Sunday, November 25, 2012

Raspberry Tea

So again I feel like I am back in the dumps again, I'm starting to have an unhealthy relationship with food and body image issues. I hate working out but I know I have to and when I try to eat healthy I just fall off the wagon, there is no middle ground for me. I either starve or over eat. I'm trying to find that happy medium, it's really depressing

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The stars, The moon....

Well it's definitely been a while, but I'm trying to be a more positive person, so I'm looking on the bright side. My blog posts from last year (2011) were only 31, and I am already at 123, yes major improvement. I am setting a mini goal of blogging the whole month of December and possibly the rest of November. I don't know how that is going to go because I am in the process of moving back to DFW on December 15th after this semester. It is sort of bittersweet thinking about moving and packing up, I think of all the good times I've had in Lubbock over the past 7 years and a weird smile creeps up on my face. I also applied to a MBA program at UTSA so if I get in I will move to San Antonio, if I don't get in, it's living with my parents while I apply for a grown up job. Either way I'm moving somewhere.

I'm making some progress on my room, but I always seem to get distracted with music playing, and trying on clothes that I mysteriously find all around my room. I'm nervous about the future, I am putting this all in God's hands. God knows where I will end up after all so I shouldn't keep worrying about it. He lead me on this whole economics path so I'm trusting him.

Speaking of school I only have 2 and a half weeks left. I have one more exam, a paper, maybe a couple of quizzes and then finals and I'm done. It hit me when I was at work last Tuesday, I was just sitting at my desk thinking about all the people I've met over the past two years working there. That has been the longest time I've been at one job I believe since I turned 18. I've made some good friends there and as much as I complain about it, i'm really going to miss it there.

Lubbock has left an impression in my heart and even though I despise this place sometimes, it will always have a place in my heart. Oh and I can tell my kids how when I was in college the wind would rape your hair everyday, and how the streets would flood, and it was a good day when you didn't get dirt in your mouth. And how sitting on the patio of Chimy's on a Friday after class was well worth the wait.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

I said I miss you like everyday

I've been listening to non stop Beyonce for about a week now. I finished cleaning my room, I even found my remote, which I hadn't seen in a few months. I got rid of a bunch of old clothes and I will be taking them to the dumpster now. I just need to do laundry and clean the kitchen and living room. What a way to spend Labor day. I wish we still had fall break which  would have been the first or second week of october but Tech got rid of it. So we don't have a break until Thanksgiving. Here's hoping to a good semester, one that goes by relatively fast.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Wake me up when September ends....

Hahahah so fitting as this is the start of September and that is one of my favorite songs.

So I am cleaning up my room, which I know it sounds like everytime I type on this I am cleaning up my room, well I'm getting rid of a ton of things well because I'm only going to be living her till December. I  haven't started applying for schools yet, but I am thinking about UTSA it's in San Antonio, which isn't a bad place but I can get a MBA focusing on business economics, I think that will help me find a job easier in the future.

My friend Archie just got a really nice job offer from Intel in Seattle (Yay to go visit her there) and she just graduated less than a month ago with a Master's in Computer Engineering. That gives me a bit of hope.

well anyway on the whole cleaning thing, I packed up my sewing machine and stuff because  I really don't have time to sew anything, so I just turned it into a continuation of my desk. My actually computer desk barely fits my printer, lamp, a couple of small books, and my laptop. I'm always having to read articles, books, and draw graphs, so the second desk really helps. So I have an area for typing papers and printing them, then an area with books to reference, room to work out problems, and draw graphs. It's sweet. So no more working in my bed.

I also needed to clean up my room because it was sick, also I need to make room for Daisy's new bed so she can sleep in it, after all that time that I spent making it. I haven't done laundry in forever so I also need to go through my two closets.

In case anyone was wondering, my last semester at Tech is in full swing. My classes are extremely difficult. I'm taking Comparative Politics ( with a professor who is too old), Monetary Theory (with Dr. Gilbert, who I thought I would not have to take anymore), Public Finance ( I still haven't bought the book yet), Money, Banking, and FInancial Institutions ( Professor is from Spain and talks really fast) and lastly Commodity, Futures Trading Analysis ( this class is in the Agricultural Sciences building, well it is part of their department Agriculture and Applied Economics) I'm the only black person in that class and probably the whole building. It's so weird and I know nothing about farming. I just want to do well this semester.

Work is alright, boring and sometimes I'm the only person working there. I want another job, but I don't know.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Parents are moving

Only one more day of Summer II and I have a couple of things to do. Finish groups powerpoint presentation, hopefully by today. Give a presentation, finish my final portfolio, and final on thursday. So hopefully by Thursday I will be done with everything and then me and Nisha will go out on Friday to celebrate. I will also start braiding my hair for the fall semester... really really long.

My parents are moving in about a month. I don't even know the address but it's around the same area. They want me and Nisha to live with them. If I decided to go to UNT I will consider it.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Well I haven't posted in a while. Basically my life has been consumed by school and work. I don't know, sometimes I get home and I feel like I should at least make an attempt to keep this blog updated just because that was a goal of mine. I just don't really have the desire to do that. I have been going to school non stop and all I have is I believe one more full week of Summer II classes, and then the fall semester and I will have two degrees, and hopefully be able to move out of Lubbock and start a new life. I was actually talking with one of my friends last night who is actually back home in Algeria and he starts school in Paris on the 16th or so of August and he told me that he misses this place. Lubbock, Texas. This place is a windy, dry, shit hole. I have been here for 7 years. OMG 7 years. It's been too long.

Well the olympics are under way and since NBC decided not to show the olympics live in the U.S. I don't really watch it because by the time the events air the results are all ready over the internet. Who decided to air the events practically a whole day or so later than the athletes are competing. This isn't 1956, I mean everyone is connected, every thing is connected. This is the fucking digital age.

Work is so boring, and it makes me so depressed. I think my boss is annoying, and I can't stand to even here him talk. The only positive from work today is that he wasn't in the office and I listened to music on Pandora.

School is basically ruining my life. My 8am class I haven't went to since last Thursday (we had an exam) it's differential calculus. I just need a D...maybe a C. Before this exam I had a very high A because I made a 100 on one exam, and a 100 on the three homework's. That is why I don't go, the lecture is boring and it's at 8am. My technical writing class after that is mandatory. She will deduct points. She treats us like 5 year olds, and I have an A in the class so far. I mean we have a group proposal and my group are filled with people that I cannot stand. They don't really take my ideas into consideration and they really seem to not be too worried about the due date. This project is worth 20% of our grade and they don't really care.

The only positive thing that has happened so far is that I get to day dream about him. I mean why is he so dang good looking. Mr. Ryan Lochte

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Hello old friend

It's been a while but in all honesty I was having a really rough go of things lately. Well first of all finals kicked my ass, but I still managed to do pretty well in my math analysis course. I made an A-. As for International Economics (which is what my degree is freaking in) I made a C in Dr. Masha's class which is not what I intended on making, but at this point I was fine with not having to repeat the course. Work has been shit because everyone is on vacation and or moving on with their lives, which basically means I work alone most of the time now. To top it off Summer II has officially started, well it started this past Tuesday and I am stuck with another 8am class.... math at that. Bring it on Calculus II. My technical writing class is a bit of a joke, how to write resumes, cover letters, proposals, power point presentations. Why am I paying thousands of dollars to learn something I can easily get from typing it in a google search. Americans. Three more weeks to go.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

American Independence Day

Well I have been really busy finishing up the last few days of school, so I've been lacking on posts. I'm also in the process of braiding my hair, which I have come to the realization that it won't be done till probably this weekend.

I made a huge 4th of July dinner, which consisted of Pulled pork sandwiches with slaw on top, baked potato salad, corn on the cob and watermelon lemonade. It was delicious. Now I'm stuffed and I want to take a nap, I also have two finals to study for that begin at 8am in the morning. So tomorrow is going to be shit for me. I really need to do well on these finals. I will probably be up all night studying, so I will take a little nap now.

Friday, June 29, 2012 I miss them

I think as soon as I get home I'm going to wash and comb out my hair and get my yarn ready to braid my hair, I think I'm just going to do all black and make them long like they were before. Hopefully I will be done by Sunday. I have no where to go this weekend anyway. Only two more classes and Wednesday is the 4th of July and then I have finals on the 5th. I am ready for this to be over. I haven't found out what I made on Dr. Masha's exam yet I guess I will find that out on Monday. I'm hoping I passed. Nisha made dinner yesterday and it was delicious. Tacos... I love Mexican food. I only have to stay here for two more hours, work literally sucks, because none of the other student assistants show up anymore so it is always me holding down the fort until 4:38 when I leave.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Well right now I am sitting at work, contemplating the whole internship thing. I have no experience only a formal education, so I really could use the work experience and it would be a great way to apply what literally cost me tens of thousands of dollars to gain. Oh and I am beyond exhausted. I don't know if it's the heat or the whole not eating thing (not by choice... haven't went to the store, oh and I am poor) My poor tummy is rumbling. For the past week my dinner(only meal of the day) which usually takes place between 6 and 7 has consisted of a package of Ramen and two scrambled eggs. SO SAD. Oh and I had an exam today and I totally bombed it, I don't even want to know what I made. I'm going to die. Work is so boring and I have 45 minutes left, I have no money, and will probably eventually needing to get a second job over night somewhere. Which while already working and taking summer classes will surely be the death of me.

Why is my life so crappy.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Goodbye Shadows

I love Zooey Deschanel. I'm currently listening to She & Him waiting before my class starts. I did manage to study some in the library after my first class. I hope I do well enough in this class to make a B overall. I also realized that drinking hot coffee in over 100 degree weather while walking to class was not the best of choices. After this I will go to work for around 4 hours and then I'm going to take a giant nap in our ultra cooled down home. 4 more class days. Hurry up, I'm tired of these summer session even though I can't believe it's already been a month. The time is going by pretty fast.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I need money

well my sister hasn't had a job since may which means all of my money is going to bills until my mom gives us money to pay our rent. She went back to talk to her old boss because since she is going to graduate school maybe she could get her old job back. He said he would email her tomorrow. I know we are going to have to turn the cable off because it is almost two hundred bucks and literally we watch nothing, or there is nothing on. I'm happy to continue to pay around 20 bucks to watch internet tv. Between our Netflix, Amazon Prime, and now Hulu plus we can continue to watch the shows that we do watch but we will have to do something about True Blood or we will just have to wait until she gets a job to get HBO again.

I was just feeling really lazy today and I did not go to any of my classes today and I didn't go to work or study for my exam that I have tomorrow. I just basically slept till 3:30 pm or so. I will probably wake up early and eat eggs and coffee, go to my Math Analysis class, then head to the library and study for two hours and then take my exam and then head to work. I have some knowledge on the subject but I need to make an A on this exam and I didn't do as well on his exam last week.

I'm ready for Summer 1 to be over. I'm ready for the fourth of July and eating watermelon and braiding my hair. It has been really hot lately like 104. I'm going to die this summer.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Today was a big fail

I didn't cook or clean or study hardly. I just laid in bed and watched Bob's Burgers on Netflix. That show is amazing and my new favorite animated series. I watched Last Tango in Paris, which was blah. I wish I hadn't watched that and Marlon Brando in his older years performing sexual acts on a young french girl was not hot at all. I watched True Blood and I hope Tara is dead for good. On the plus side this is the last week of school before finals and Summer 1 will be over. Let the exams commence this week.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


I've been reviewing for my upcoming exams watching a Girls marathon on HBO for the past couple of hours, and now I am eating chicken nuggets. What an amazing Saturday. My life is sort of blah right now I think I will make tea later. I haven't had any in a while. I need to move to New York soon. I need a grown up job. I'm so close to graduating.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


my tummy has not been right for a couple of days now.... one more day

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sweet Tea

Is probably one of my favorite drinks any time of the year. I don't care if it's freshly brewed or out of a can (which is how I'm consuming it right now) I love it. I trying to rush and it lunch in like 15 minutes since Masha let us out of his class early. He actually let us out an hour early. I made a C on that exam. That is so sad. I need to make an A on the next exam which is Tuesday and an A on the final if I want to have a chance at making an A in his class.... I should have studied. It has been extra annoying walking around campus today because of all the incoming freshman walking around during their orientation. Why do they insist on standing  in the middle of your walk way looking so stupid. I made mini apple pies yesterday and they were so cute... check out this cute pic

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Today was hellish

I was bored out of my mind I had to leave at 4:00pm. I also had an exam and it was hard. I'll find out my grade tomorrow. I'm going to make mini apple pies for dessert and for dinner BBQ baked chicken, green beans, and spiral mac and cheese. It's going to be amazing. We haven't had a home cooked meal in a long time.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Exam Tomorrow...

I feel pretty confident that I will do well on it. It's over a topic that I have a grasp on. I didn't make it to class today because I was mainly being lazy and I just wanted to sleep. I need to stop doing that I just have less than two weeks left. I'm probably so far behind in my math class. I have the books in both classes so that is a good thing.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day right.....

I talked to Glen Glen a bit today and yesterday since it was his birthday. He turned 55. He's such an old man. Me and Nisha sent him a gift card to go out to eat with our mom and we added a birthday card too. I'm not surprised our brother didn't even give him a call today or yesterday. He's such a loser. I miss Peter Campbell. Why is Mad Men over. Oh made blackberry dumplings, and watched True Blood, it's picking up. I finished my math homework but I don't know if it's right. My International Economics book came in the mail friday when I got home from class, and Dr. Masha moved the exam to this Tuesday so I will probably study for that tomorrow. Only two more weeks. Time for a shitty week to start again.

Friday, June 15, 2012

So far....

This friday has been pretty simple, I went to work at 8:38 because I finished my exam in less than 30 minutes, and I wish that I had spent a bit more time on it. I ended up making a 94 which is disappointing because there was a 15 point bonus question, which I got right. I just made some careless mistakes on a couple of problems. I have one more exam at 12, and then I will head back to work. It's been pretty nice at work because my boss is not there, but he will just show up and ruin it because he is on "vacation". I need to make an A on this exam. I need to actually make A's in both of these classes, and where the hell is my book for this class, I fear that it will be delivered when I'm finished with the class. We only have two more weeks.  I've been listening to She & Him most of the morning...damn that Zoey Deschanel and her quirky cuteness.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


There is a thunderstorm outside my window. Which means I can not study in my room because the sound scares my dog, who then cries all night. I have two exams tomorrow and then work. I just need to make it this last day and then my weekend will be filled with cleaning and homework. Oh possibly applying for new jobs.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Mish Mash

I didn't make it to class today, I wasn't feeling well at all. I was able to sleep a couple of hours more than I usually would, and one of my text books finally came in today which is great because I have a test on Friday.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

things are getting better

Me and Nisha are back to our old ways of getting along. Everything is better when that happens. I actually apologized and helped smooth things over. I overheard my mom talking on the phone to Nisha and she asked if I was going to work everyday, which annoyed me. Why would she think I wasn't going to work. Not only am I up at 7am to go to class every morning, I also work in between and I don't get home till after 5pm, and then I do homework and I try to make it to bed before midnight. Monday - Friday. She never makes comments about anyone else but me. It's disturbing.

I don't really feel right, I drank an energy drink a couple of hours ago and now I feel a bit dizzy.

I have two exams to study for this upcoming friday, and of course work in between. This should be a fun week. I deleted my Facebook and it's been great not constantly updating things. My twitter has been seeing more action though.

Monday, June 11, 2012

In need of a new roommate

I need to live this place, it is taking an emotional toll on me. I need to live on my own, to experience things on my own. I need to be my own person. One more semester and my dreams will come true.

I'm beyond exhausted, I don't know if Monday's are the reason for this. I screwed up on my homework and I forgot to answer two questions. In Dr. Masha's class I missed turning in an assignment. I need to focus more. I have things to do right now, but I physically feel like I can't move. I think I'm going to take a nap right now.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Gah My neighbor just invited me over to roast smores in their backyard. Thank you summer classes for ruining fun weekends with homework. Stupid Math Analysis. It is taking me longer to finish the assignments because I haven't received the book that I ordered and I have to teach myself how to work the problems. True Blood was rather boring today. I think I'm going to go to bed now.

Cheers to the Freaking Weekend

I'll drink to that.... this weekend has been ok, other than the fact that we had to do some car repairs that sucked up about $225 dollars out of my account... but my mom told me to take it out of her account so that is good. School is going alright 3 more weeks. I actually have homework to do today.  I went to the store yesterday, yes for Market Street now being open 24 hours. I bought two packages of blackberries, 2 lbs of grapes, nectarines, english muffins, yogurt, orange juice, blackberry preserves, cream cheese, cereal bars... yadda yadda no more waisting money at Starbucks for bagels and coffee. I will be doing this at my home. Breakfast for cheap.

Why do weekends go by so fast. I need to wash and condition my hair, then put it in flat twists, cook dinner, laundry, homework, and it's already 2:00pm.

True Blood starts today which is good, Mad Men ends today which is sad.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Kill me

My Math Analysis class is really going to be the death of me. I mean it is so damn slow, and boring. People act like they can't do basic math...what is x.... what do you mean it is just a variable, it means what you assign it to be. It could be called M. I am dreading that class every 8am. The professor has to waste time to explain the most basic things. I mean some people need to just hire a tutor.

I'm so ready to go home, I'm tired and in a sort of grumpy mood. I'm about to eat lunch and I don't get off until 4:30. I can't wait till the weekend. My mom gave me like 600 bucks yesterday to pay for things like my rent, even though I had most of it. She is a sweet mom. I'm just going to save it, I will not go shopping.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I was having horrible stomach pains last night, as well as a spider problem ( I saw a spider in my room two days ago) I haven't been able to sleep much. By not being able to sleep much I am tired at 6:30am, and I can't get up in time to not miss my 8am class. I am now attempting to go to bed before 11 so I will hopefully wake up refreshed. Maybe I will wake up early enough to eat breakfast and some coffee. All I did today was sleep and I went to work before noon. Such a success.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

What I learned today

A few things I've learned after my first days of summer 1 classes.

1.) 8am classes still suck.
2.) I need coffee to function that early
3.) Don't question yourself
4.) Choose what's easy, don't make things harder than they have to be
5.) Speak up

Monday, June 4, 2012

Goodbye Summer

Today is my last day of summer vacation practically and then Summer 1 starts. I have a meeting with my advisor to change from international economics to just economics with a concentration in political science.  It's basically the same because I'm still focusing on international economics and international politics. I think that I need to delete my Facebook soon, for sure before I move. It takes up a bit of my time, and the people I want to forget. That sounds mean, but when I graduate which should be sooner than I think, I want to start fresh somewhere else. I think I will be much happier.

Weird note. I stayed up watching The Vampire Diaries all night on Netflix, I didn't go to sleep until 7am. hahaha it's so cheesy and I'm only half way through season 1. What a way to end my summer break.

I'm still trying to figure out my book angle....

Sunday, June 3, 2012

I can't wait to move

Some people can be such jerks......I'm speechless I guess this will be a sunday spent alone.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

There's a place....

on Ocean Avenue, where I used to sit and talk with you. We were both 16 and it felt so right, sleeping all day, staying up all night.

Thats my mantra for the day.

I've enjoyed sleeping all day watching movies all night. It's been great

Friday, June 1, 2012

Three Day weekend

Sort Summer 1 classes are all paid for, with 79 bucks to spare. I think I'm going to spend much of the weekend and Monday watching movies and sleeping. 8am classes start on Tuesday.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Indian Tea Time

I went to Archie's apartment after work because she invited me and Nisha over for some good old Indian Tea. It was really good, and it gave me a big spike of caffeine. We then actually talked about work frustrations, relationships of others, shitty apartments, moving, yadda yadda you know what people in their 20's talk about. We did this for two or so hours. It's fun talking about life over tea. I've decided to throw a vegetarian BBQ for Archie & Kiran for their graduation. Veggie burgers on the grill.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Milk and Cereal.....

Cereal and Milk. I loved that song when I was in high school. Well I ended up eating raspberry and peach honey bunches of oats. Work was beyond boring. School stuff sorted out, Thank God for that one. No money spent 12 free hours. I got a 4,000 grant. I love summer sessions. Oh good news the temperature will be 20 degrees lower tomorrow but when gusts will be 40mph. Dang Lubbock. I finished watching The Hatfields & The McCoys on the History Channel, it was actually really sad.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Braids are gone.....

Not forever but I took them out, it took around 3 hours. I took a nice long bath listening to Gotye and detangled my hair. It was so tangled and a mess.... I had those braids in too long I think. I lost a lot of hair.  I am glad to see that my curls all came back. I was scared my hair was going to be shit because I dyed it black before I braided it and I could feel my hair kind of die. It was so lifeless and even when I took my braids out it wasn't as crimpy as I thought it should be, my hair was sort of straight. My curly fro is back. I haven't straightened my hair in about 4 years and I don't plan on in a while maybe a year or two just to see how long it is.  I conditioned my hair like crazy and it is now in a silk bonnet. I plan on buying some protein packets or something for my hair, it really would use it. I also think I need to find some new conditioner and shampoo I was using the Burt's Bee raspberry one and it would make my hair feel so nice and moisturized but after I used it today it made my hair feel so brittle and dry, so disappointing.

I definitely have to go to work in the morning because I didn't manage to wake up in time after my memorial day activities. That means I have to work on friday some.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

I've been recently thinking of my papa. He died when I was 8. I see his face and I can remember his voice, and him making my grandma laugh.

I didn't plan on doing much today but the day unfolded into a pretty nice memorial day. It was the perfect memorial day for a girl like me. Food, booze, more food, and more booze.... rest, food, cupcakes, funny movie with a bit of conversation in between.

I feel pretty tired though because my neighbor started my memorial day by waking me at around 10 with food and booze. I didn't go to sleep till about 5am so I'm working on a couple of solid hours of sleep.

I really need to go to work tomorrow because I don't want to on Friday. I think I will go to work at 9 and leave by 3 or 10:45- 4:45.... I haven't worked it out. It will be decided by what time I get up.

My stomach is stuffed with food, I feel like I'm going to burst. This is not good.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

why am I reading this...

So I received this $2 Amazon credit for a video rental and I didn't know what movie to watch and I didn't want to add more money to get a better movie so I rented Breaking Dawn Part 1. It was so cheesy of course. It wasn't like I didn't know what was going on.... I read (and own) all of the books in that series and I have seen ( and own) all of the movies other than Breaking Dawn Part 1. Well I haven't read Breaking Dawn in years so I decided to refresh myself and after reading the first 100 pages I feel like I didn't remember anything, it was like I was reading it for the first time, which made me paranoid that I somehow forgot what I read long ago. I was paranoid because I felt like all of the things that I have read over the past couple of years I have already forgotten or I am bound to forget. I need to remember everything.

Oh I was awaken by a phone call from my neighbor and she invited me and Nisha over for dinner and drinks tomorrow. I thought that was lovely and I insisted on bringing something and she said no. I'm bringing dessert anyways. Which means I have to wake up early to go to the store. I need to buy socks too.... I have this weird thing about socks, I can't fall asleep without socks. It's so strange and I haven't done laundry and I don't feel like doing it so I need to buy new socks. I'm a freak.

Other than that it was a typical Sunday. Talked to my mom on the phone for an hour or so. Talked to my brother a bit, me and Nisha ordered a pizza and chilled and watched Game of Thrones, Mad Men, and Girls. Now I'm in my room about to fall asleep maybe I'll read some more Breaking Dawn and have dreams of being a sparkling vampire with red eyes because I refuse to drink animal blood. I'm a rebel even in my dreams.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


well I'm not moving just yet but of course I've been thinking about where I am going to continue my studies when I graduate in December. I'm so nervous because I've been looking at apartments and stuff online but it's hard to gauge the proximity to campuses, and crime level and all these things. I've been looking at places more east, also I don't have a car and I would want to live near public transportation. I'm also concerned about space. I feel like whenever I move I will be so accustomed to Texas size spaces and not 300 sq ft places for the same price. What am I going to do?

Friday, May 25, 2012


Archie bought me some yummy Indian treats today at work, yes I actually made it to work today. Oh and since it is Memorial Day weekend I don't have to go to work on Monday. Three day weekend. Well back to the whole work thing, my boss was working on some other project so he wasn't really there so I saw him a total of about 20 minutes. Archie's roommate graduated last weekend and her parents came in from India and brought all these treats so I had Mysore Pak and Cashew Burfi. I love all burfies so I was happy. Also Archie's mom is sending her a package in the mail and she will be getting Coconut Burfi which I've never tried, but I'm sure I will love. I'm excited. In a couple of years when Archie goes back to India to live we've agreed that I will send her whatever American things she misses and she will send me all the Indian things that I miss. What a good friend.

Nisha got accepted into the Master's program at Texas Tech so she will be here with me one more semester dang my little sister is so freaking smart. She will probably have her master's degree when she's 23 and when I'm finished I will more than likely be 26. Maybe I will get a Phd or something.

My strawberry cake balls were amazing. They were sort of an homage to one of my favorite cakes that my grandma made. It's a cake that has a layer of strawberry cake, then a layer of chocolate cake with vanilla icing and coconut. Her caked looked so pretty. So I made strawberry cake balls dipped in chocolate with shaved coconut on top. They are so good.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Beat to Quarters

I am laying in bed... I should have went to work today but whatever. I'm going tomorrow. Even my dog Daisy just woke up. So I'm surrounded by books that I've decided to start reading. So C.S. Forester it is, I love those Horatio Hornblower series. I actually bought a vintage set from a library sale about two years ago and I am finally having time to read them. Also I've been productive this morning by apply for jobs. I will be going to the store later so I can pick up a few things so I can make Archie some cake balls, she wanted strawberry and they were pretty easy to make. I will see her at work tomorrow. Good news I thought my subscription to the wall street journal was over and I walked outside for some fresh air and saw that there were two papers out there. I love being informed of current economical events.

Sadly I just realized that summer 1 starts June 6th, goodbye free time. I really need to get all of my leisure reading done because I will no longer have time for it. I also need to save money for text books and course fees. I'm almost done with Tech for good. December can't come fast enough. I think I'm going to take down the front section of my braids and add some burgundy ones, I need to go to Wal-mart today. I'll probably be braiding all weekend.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I'm gonna sex you up....

I was actually watching one of those cheesy greatest songs of the 90's things on tv... which is why the title of this post is so titled. Color me badd.... Ok anyways I have to actually go back to work in the morning and work all day, then the same for Friday. ugggg my mini vacation away from that place is over. I think I'm going to look for another job to help create additional income for me but I don't know where.  I don't want to go to work but I think I need to, I'm already trying to think of what I'm going to eat for breakfast because I don't want to waste my money on lunch on campus tomorrow. I think coffee, toast, and oatmeal should hold me over until 4:30.  I also need to think if I will take my laptop and watch a show on my lunch break or read a book, since my kindle is dead I have to take the physical book which I don't want to do. I actually bought a book of Russian plays yesterday so I may take that. Who wouldn't want to read "The Overcoat" by Gogol on their break. My life is sinking back into an abyss... I need to take a cruise or something.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


So I basically awoke from one of the most vivid dreams that I've had in a while. I just received word that I had been offered the job of cost analyst for a major advertising agency in New York City. I was packing up all of my stuff and leaving all of my friends behind to move to NY. Everything was coming together I had the coolest apartment in some trendy neighborhood. I had just made some quirky friends and we were having drinks in a trendy bar while I reminisced about Texas. Then all of a sudden a guy walks up and buys me a drink and begins talking to me. He tries to guess what it is I do in New York City and of course he guesses incorrectly, I then tell him that I am a cost analyst for so and so's firm on Madison Avenue. He then tells me to guess what it is that he does. I then guess the obvious, filmmaker, writer, yadda yadda. He laughs and says no, it turns out he is a currency trader and he's been doing well. We then leave this bar because I'm hungry. Oh by the way the guy's name is Stephen. So we end up in a little dinner and talk for the rest of the night. He walks me home and takes a gander at my amazing views in my apartment and of course we make out. He then leaves and tells me he will pick me up tomorrow at 7pm and for me to dress really nice because he scored tickets to this broadway show from his boss. I guess they were perks from the job. We then go to this fancy dinner and I actually meet his boss there, it was great we chatted and he seemed impressed. His boss asked him where did he find me and he tells him that I am new to Manhattan and I'm a southern girl thats why I'm so entertaining and charming and I smile, then his boss tells Stephen that I'm a keeper and he says I know. I then wake up....

Ugggghhhh this is a sign, I always thought that I'd be some kind of financial analyst working overseas for an American company, when I should just work in New York, and hang out in trendy neighborhoods and meet the guy of my dreams. I just have a bit more learning to do and I'm on the first flight out of this place.

I really hope this dream comes true.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Summer Vacation

It's been a while since my last post. This weekend was crazy hectic. Nisha graduated on Friday so that took a lot of preparation to get our home ready for our parents and other family members who made the trip to Lubbock. So I was busy getting her ready, shopping I scored the cutest taupe 4.5 inch stacked heel and a green velvet belt. Well Nisha looked beautiful and so grown up. My parents couldn't stay long because my dad's brother died, so they only stayed one night which was sad because it is actually fun when they are here. Our house is now stocked with meat thanks to my dad, and air freshener plug ins. My room smells like mixed berries. I made cake balls this weekend and I think I would call them more of a cake truffle because the inside is definitely more of a truffle consistency than cake. I will definitely make them again just not in a while because they are really rich. I was able to catch up on my sleep and TV shows since finals are over and this semester is over. At the graduation my dad asked me why don't I just get my doctorate while I'm still young. Hmmmm Dr. Jasmine Elliott does sound kind of cool, but like he also mentioned I have been in school since I was 4 years old. I am now 25, I need a break from the classroom. I didn't go to work today and I won't go tomorrow either because I need a break from work as well as school. Tomorrow I think I will hit up the thrift shops and the book stores. It will be a good tuesday. So here's a couple of pictures from the weekend.

Here's my little sister in the green Calvin Kline dress, she just graduated with a BA in Anthropology and a BA in Sociology. She is so dang smart and she's only 21. She will be working on her MA in Criminology this fall.  I'm in the middle with my old lady scarf and my vintage Coach bag.... I love that bag, and the smell of old leather. My shoes made me 6'3 it felt good to be so tall. Next to me in those crazy coral pants is my twin brother, he sort of has an affinity for older things too. That's why we get along so well. He needs to graduate all ready.

Here's a picture of the cake truffles I made, I used red sprinkles and they are too rich and no I didn't eat all four of those. They are way too sweet.
Oh and I made a B in international finance........ I'm happy

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

today was so long

I went to work at 9am it was such a long day, very boring. Me and Nisha went shopping for last minute things, I bought some electric blue platform wedge shoes to wear to her graduation. We have a few more errands to run tomorrow. My parents will be here tomorrow afternoon so I want to make cake balls, I also need to get Nisha a small grad cake. I am still waiting on Dr. Gilbert's grades. I made an A in my Macro Theory class, an A+ in Managerial Economics, and a B in my Multinational Business class ( I could have made an A in there but I rarely attended.) I have some cleaning to do and laundry before my parents get here, so I will be waking up in about 4 and a half hours....

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I'm Back

Finals are officially over, I don't know my grades yet but I'm hoping for 2 A's and 2 B's. Nisha graduates this Friday and my parents will be here some time Thursday. My Dad's brother died yesterday and of course he is very upset. My mom told me he has been crying. I'm thankful for My Uncle Fred even though we didn't talk much he is the reason my mom and dad met. Without my Uncle Fred my dad would  have never moved to Dallas, he would have never met my sweet Wanda Jean, they would have never married, or had me, Jermey, or Nisha. My dad would often tell stories to me about his brother and they were hilarious. I hope that my dad doesn't feel sad for so long, but he remembers those cool, crazy stories and laughs again. Memories are a wonderful way to remember all the fun times they shared together.

On another note I talked to my mom for about 2 hours today and I thank God that I have amazing parents. If I need anything they are always there. I don't know where I would be without them. I really appreciate them. I know they know that. My parent's taught how to treat people with respect no matter who they are and to try our hardest to help people if we can. Everyday we try to do whats right and if we don't, we know we are letting them down. I want to be like them when I grow up

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Quick update 2 finals down, two more to go....

Then a break then summer 1 starts

I'm so ready to be finished.

I weighed my self and I lost 3 lbs yes even though I really haven't been on a diet because of finals... it's been basically junk food, caffeine, and tons of sugar to keep me awake. I'm excited. Time to lose another 3-5 lbs.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

I feel like crap

I'm sort of in the dumps about everything. I'm back on only drinking water and I'm back to being a vegetarian again. I hope I don't get sick again. I've decided to buy myself something cool after I lose 20 pounds. 2 pounds down 18 more to go.

So I started my health eating and hopefully by June 10 I will lose 18 pounds. Thats 6 pounds a week.

So this is what I ate today

I drank 72oz of water thats about 9 glasses of water today
For breakfast I ate a packet of oatmeal
for Dinner I ate mixed vegetables with siracha sauce, one packet of cheese grits, and a turkey burger with a bit of pepper.
For a snack I ate 4tbs of crasins.

I need to finish writing my paper then I'm going to bed. I'm going to try to eat oatmeal everyday for breakfast. I need to go to the store and buy more fruit to go along with it.

I am also trying to not eat after 7pm everyday.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

reality is starting to set in

I feel like vanishing.

I am tired of everything, school, I don't know what to do. I don't know

Thursday, May 3, 2012


I really should be studying or typing my paper but instead I am watching Chopped. I love that show so much. So yeah today was an ok kind of day. Boss was gone for most of the time. He was there for a bit and was annoying while he was there. Fried egg for dinner, and ice cream for dessert. Hahaha I need to get a real job.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Everybody get down

I remember a band said that oh... Metro Station. Well I need to get down to business. My project is due in 5 days, I just need to write it up. I'm getting a new assignment today for managerial economics that will probably be due on Monday, the same day as my project. Dr. Gilbert gave us an assignment that we should know by the final which is a week from this Saturday, 10 spot exchange rates and futures exchange rates from 10 countries and each of the four geographical sectors must be covered. I'm doing from the Americas probably Argentina, Brazil, and Peru. From Europe probably  Russia, Sweden. From Asia-Pacific I will probably look at India, Thailand, and Australia. Finally for the Middle East/Africa I will look at South Africa and Saudi Arabia and Egypt. All of these countries interest me a lot and I have friends in these places or I've recently met people from there. Also I wouldn't mind living in any of these locations and doing business. A lot of these are emerging economies and are experiencing a lot of new growth. So back to my bitching about time. So Nisha's graduation is approaching and I have done nothing to prepare for that other than deciding to make cookies and cream cake balls. Also we desperately need to clean and prepare for people coming over. We decided to do a sort of barbecue cookout instead of going to a restaurant seeing as there will be thousands of extra people in this city. I'm actually getting nervous about Dr. Gilbert's International Finance exam I feel like there is so much information that I need to review... where has this semester gone.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Pacific

Ok so I've been staying up at night to finish The Pacific and Band of Brothers and I finally finished them both. Now I am addicted and I must spend 100 bucks to purchase them. Oh neglecting friends has paid off again. I made a 107 on my managerial economics exam. He said he was going to give an extra credit assignment that is worth 4% of your grade but I don't think I will do it because I believe I have a 100 in the class. I need to look into auditing one of his classes in the fall. Right now I'm looking at maxi dresses to wear to Nisha's graduation. I've never worn one but I am 5'11 so it should look ok on me. Only 6 days of class. I'm ready to relax

Monday, April 30, 2012

only two weeks left

I'm starting to get worried about finals right now. Only two weeks left of this semester and then I have both summer sessions and then the fall semester and then good bye Texas Tech University. Two degrees and lots of debt in the process. I just finished my last exam for Cupidon on Friday and I'm actually nervous. I don't think that I did as well as I could have, and now I just have to work on this project that is due I believe on the 7th and then I just have four finals to worry about.

This weekend was pretty lazy for me, Friday I went out, had an allergic reaction to something that I ate, took Benadryl and then slept. I finally finished watching Band of Brothers, then I decided to watch The Pacific and I'm halfway through that miniseries. I love learning about history but to hear and see those old soldiers stories is saddening. I'm glad that there really hasn't been warfare like that in Europe and the Pacific here on American soil. I can't even think of just the rebuilding process, or the magnitude of civilian  lives loss.

My 10am class was cancelled so my next class isn't till 11 so I'm going to work on my project. The more I get done on campus the less I have to do at home, and when I get home at 5pm everyday I do not want to spend any additional time analyzing data during my TV time.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I'm ready for the summer

I 'm ready for the summer already, My computer is acting all weird and not charging that is weird. I don't want to have to send it back in and be computer less for finals. It says my computer will be charged in an hour and 34 minutes so hopefully in the morning it will be.

Monday, April 23, 2012

ugggg Mondays are so bad for me

Today did not go off to a good start, maybe it began with Sunday night. I mean my day was kind of sluggish and it didn't really kick off till around 9pm, so I was so far behind. I did back a yummy chocolate pudding cake with almonds, pecans, and toasted coconut. I will post the recipe later. Well basically long story short I didn't get to sleep until 1am. I woke up around 7 something for class, but I am basically not prepared. I only managed to take my laptop and water bottle. So I left my wallet, glasses, and no food. I'm going to be starving by 5pm when we make it home. I decided that I am going to make Indian food tonight so that is going to be good. Me and Nisha did go the grocery store finally after about a couple of weeks, when we realized we had no food in our house. She has decided after she graduates in a few weeks to keep living with me for another semester basically until December and get into a master's program in the spring. This really helps me out as in I don't have to look for a place to stay for a semester by myself, and I don't have to move all of our stuff. I was dreading moving in the first place. I didn't even know where I was going to go in the first place. Speaking of Nisha I need to get her a graduation present, so far I'm thinking of a card with money but thats so lazy. I have my last managerial economics exam this friday and then all I have is one project, a couple of quizzes, a bit of homework, and then finals.... Oh the coming weeks are going to be amazing. Recipe for the cake below. I love these recipe because for some reason I can never keep eggs in my home, and I am too lazy to go to the store and purchase more. Also for my vegan friends I'm sure you can replace the little milk and butter this recipe uses to make this recipe vegan friendly.

3/4 cup all purpose flour
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/3 cup plus 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 cup milk
3 tablespoons butter, melted
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 3/4 cups boiling water
powdered sugar, for serving

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease a 9 inch square baking dish or round souffle dish. Combine flour, granulated sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon and 1/3 cup cocoa in medium bowl. Add milk, butter and vanilla, stir until just blended. Spoon the batter into the prepared dish. ( this is totally optional but I added sliced almonds, chopped pecans, and toasted coconut)

Combine brown sugar and remaining 1/4 cup cocoa in small bowl. Sprinkle evenly over batter. Pour boiling water over entire mixture; do not stir.

Bake 35 to 38 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into the top layer comes out clean. Cool at least 10 minutes. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, dollop of whipped cream, or a scoop of vanilla ice cream, or just plain.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Water for Elephants

I just finished watching that movie. I know I'm a year late but I did download the book on my kindle, but since my kindle died on my I haven't had a chance to read it. I was actually side tracked because I'm supposed to be re organizing my room and desk area, but I've just managed to move junk around. I found so many dishes in my room, I'm officially a slob. Well I will have my room finished today atleast, that is my weekend goal. I also decided to keep my old laptop instead of selling it because it is actually working pretty good, so I have it set up sort of like a desktop/typewriter for the book that I will try to write daily. I also decided to put my sewing machine in it's case and clear off my sewing table to make an even larger desk area, I mean I need the space for all of my economic books as well as just a larger desk. I found my diploma still in the round little mailer that Tech mailed it in and I decided to put it in my shadow box that I bought two years ago. I can't believe I graduated two years ago, and that I will be graduating again in December. Learning and amassing copious amounts of debt is amazing.

I need to find a better job so I can save money and either repair my car or buy a new one all together. I need to get things together

Friday, April 20, 2012

typing by candlelight

it's so romantic looking. I decided to stay in and get some rest because I have the gigantic task of cleaning our little house this weekend. I need to throw some things away in my room and organize some stuff. This is the first weekend in a while that I do not have an assignment due or plans. So I am going to wake up early because I need to have this stuff done by tomorrow. I finally decided to make a pair of DIY TOMS sandals out of my old picnic table TOMS.  They turned out ok.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Don't Dream It's Over

I've been in an 80's rut this whole week. I mean it's great the music, the clothes, the hair style choices but I feel like I'm the classic 80's protagonist  in a John Hughes film. I need to find a guy while I'm still young, I know he is out there. So Depressing.....

Sunday, April 15, 2012

I did it....

Well let me just say I have been a busy bee this week... school mostly, projects, baking for friends. I've been away and I know it. I'm ready for this semester to be over. Well anyways I shaved one side of my head out of nowhere friday night. It all began after I went to my friend Genevive's house because we had breakfast for dinner. hahah my most favorite dinners. Everyone brought food and it was fun. Nisha came with me and we made cheese danishes and blackberry cheese danishes. We ate waffles with whipped cream and chocolate chips, turkey bacon, hash browns, quiche, kolaches, and drank mimosas. It was a great night. Then all of a sudden I get home and grab scissors and just start chopping, it was to late to do anything about it. But the more I stared at myself the more I realized that I loved it. I've been thinking about it for a while and I just went with it.

Oh and I finally finished these super long braids.... no more wearing hats, no more high bun to conceal the middle that was not finished. It feels amazing, I am definitely keeping these in for a lot longer than my first braids. My next hair choice is going to be something with Ombre.

I registered for my last summer classes and my last fall classes hopefully at Texas Tech forever. I can't wait to be out of Lubbock. Me and my two degrees are going to leave and never look back. Nisha is graduating in about a month and she has not even bought invitations yet. I guess she isn't planning on anyone to come.   I don't know why I just decided to so laundry but I know I'm going to be tired in the morning. It's going to be bad

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

Yay I have sour jelly beans...

So I'm cooking us a great Easter dinner of Stuffed pork roast, sautéed spinach, sweet potatoes, and rolls, oh and iced green tea.  Coconut cupcakes for dessert.

Oh I am also currently baking my neighbor a chocolate pecan pie because she paid to have our lawn mowed and this is what I do. You do home repairs for us and we bake you yummy things.

Here's the recipe with pictures. It will be ready around 3:15pm

I did not feel like making the pie crust so I just bought one pre made.

The chocolate-pecan filling:
3 large eggs
3/4 cup  packed dark brown sugar
1/2 cup  light corn syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons melted butter, salted or unsalted
1 2/3 cups pecans
3/4 cup bittersweet or semisweet chocolate chips
Preheat the oven to 375ºF  and position the oven rack to the center of the oven.
In a large bowl, mix together the eggs, brown sugar, syrup, vanilla, salt, and melted butter.
Stir in the pecans and the chocolate chips then scrape the filling into the pie shell and bake for 30 to 35 minutes, or until the filling puffs up slightly but still feels slightly jiggly and moist in the center.
Let pie cool completely before slicing.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

So I decided

To start putting more recipes and pictures of what I cook during the day. I did have a blog dedicated to recipes but I deleted it a while back...ooops.

Well I guess I will just do everything on this one.

So today I made Toasted Coconut cupcakes... They are so yummy.

I totally made this recipe up but here it is

1/4 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup white sugar
3 eggs
1/4 cup sweetened coconut
1 1/2 cup flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
3/4 cup coconut milk
1/4 cup condensed milk
1/4 cup milk

1 package of cream cheese
1/4 cup powdered sugar
1/4 cup condensed milk
2 tablespoons of milk
1/4 toasted coconut for garnish

Preheat oven to 350F. Line a 12 cup muffin tin with paper liners. Beat together butter, coconut milk,condensed milk and sugar until light and fluffy. Add the eggs one at a time until the mixture is uniform. On low speed mix in the coconut. In a separate bowl mix together flour and baking powder. Continue running the mixer on low speed and alternately add in the coconut milk, milk and the flour mixture, scraping down the bowl regularly. Pour or scoop into muffin tins and bake for 18 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.
While the cupcakes are cooling you can toast the coconut and make the icing. To toast the coconut, heat a medium skillet to medium-low and toss the coconut until fragrant. It can burn quickly so pay attention. To make the icing beat together sugar and cream cheese until fluffy then add in coconut cream. 
Frost the cupcakes with the icing, topping each with a sprinkling of toasted coconut.

Friday, April 6, 2012

long day

I have a long day of cleaning ahead of me. I think I am going to bake coconut cupcakes and I have to make a chocolate pecan pie for my neighbor.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Work Work Work

I'm at work right now all day because I decided to skip work yesterday and go with Gen to the conversation hour at the foreign language building to help international students practice their english to native speakers. It was actually really fun, afterwards this guy from Saudi Arabia got my number so he could practice speaking in english. I think its amazing to learn new things from people all over the world.

well now I'm at work in the break room about to practice some Marginal Utility. I have a quiz tomorrow.
Me and nisha are going to make sushi rolls today. I can't believe she is graduating in about 5 weeks.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


For some reason I have Adele on my mind. I stayed up last night studying from my Macro Theory exam and I think I actually did pretty good. So heres hoping that I made at least a B. Oh I got my International Finance exam back after worrying about it for weeks now. I made a 84. I know that class was hard but I wanted to make an A.... I've made B's on the past two exams and now all I have left is the final for that class. I want an A in there, my problem is that I don't have enough time to finish and my essays towards the end suffer tremendously. I could probably have made A's if I just finished in time.

I found the coolest fashion blog just by googling something, I never subscribe to other peoples blogs nor do I post the link to my blog for others to read. I feel like I'm too lazy to post things that interest me, and I also have a fear of people's opinions of me. I often delete previous posts because I think people will think I'm weird. I need to stop that. I'm ready for this week to be over, I'm ready to lay in my bed.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What the heck

Yes I have a good neighbor she just paid to have our lawn mowed, so I am actually broke right now so for compensation I will definitely make her a pie or cupcakes. I wish she could just move with me wherever I moved but she won't. I've been at work all day and I am so ready to leave. I have an exam in the morning that I need to study for. This semester is winding down and I am ready for it.

Oh I made a B on my Multinational corporations exam... 2 points shy of an A. I should have studied more.

Monday, April 2, 2012


The only time I really blog is while i'm at school because when I am at home I am just so exhausted from the week that I just watch TV and collapse in bed. Oh when I picked Nisha up yesterday I decided to make us a wonderful dinner which consisted of chicken alfredo, a spinach salad with almonds and strawberries, french bread with olive oil and oregano and for dessert I made blackberry and apple dumplings with a coconut cinnamon cream. We had sweet iced green tea to drink. It was a nice change because we have been eating out a lot and are now super poor. We then watched all of our sunday programming Game of Thrones, Mad Men, RHOA you know the usual.

Now it's monday and the start of another hellish week. Macro theory exam on wednesday, managerial economics assignment due on wednesday. and lots of work and class in between. I don't know when I am going to finish my braids. Shit.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Finished that exam

It's friday and I've been awake since 3am. I have to take Nisha to campus at 5am because she has to get on a bus with around 30 other students and go to a graduate school colloquium at UNT so I have our little house all to my self this weekend. I will more than  likely clean, and bake things. Maybe I will watch cheesy movies too. I think I find out what I made on Dr. Gilbert's exam today. I hope I made at least a B. Speaking of Dr. Gilbert, he is currently in the hospital. I learned this from a girl in his monetary policy class and they said he has cancer, which is why he hasn't been at our lecture. I pray that he is ok, I mean I dread that class but I learn a lot from him. Ughhh I have a quiz in Cupidon's class and I have a paper to turn in at 10am. I am leaving to take Nisha, and then I will go back to sleep for 4 more hours and then go to class at 10.

I'm so glad it's friday.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Kindle is dead

I am so pissed that my Kindle just died, and I am so disappointed. I will be explaining to everyone how crappy this product is.

I have an exam in my multinational corporations exam on thursday so I will be busy with that all week.

Monday, March 26, 2012

so busy

I have been so busy that I haven't been able to post anything since Thursday, no one reads this so I feel ok. Basically I have been studying and I had my international finance exam on Friday and after taking the exam I don't feel that my grade improved from the last exam but it actually dropped. I hope I didn't make anything lower than a C. On Saturday I slept in for a bit, yes because I was delirious from the lack of sleep from the previous week. I went to the Holi event at Urbanovsky park. It was really fun. Friends, free tee shirts, blasting people in the face with bright colored pigment, free Indian food. It was great, then me and Nisha left and went to Bahama Bucks, do delicious.

 Oh we had a mini Mad Men marathon going back through the four seasons and watching our favorite episodes of Don and the gang. Sunday we woke up early to see the first showing of the Hunger Games. We are so cheap hahahah we only wanted to pay around 5 bucks per ticket. Overall it was a good movie. I cried at moments. We then went and ate dinner and watched our Sunday night shows, The Amazing Race, Broke Bitches ... I mean Real Housewives of Atlanta, and finally Mad Men... after almost two years it is back. I don't know what I think about Megan Draper, and I feel like Peter Campbell is looking a rough 40....

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Ok I had a dream about Brad from the show Happy Endings. It made me laugh, maybe I have a little crush on Damon Wayans Jr. or something. I don't know.

I better get to studying. Why is he so cute... I need to find a guy like him in Lubbock

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

and so it begins

Hahahah the late nights... the cookies, and energy drinks, the highlighting. International finance has control of me till 12pm friday

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I don't know what to feel

I mean at this moment, at this time I feel really amazing, my confidence is at an all time high. I'm thinking about what to wear to class in the morning, well I guess I'm sort of day dreaming in bed. Weird. I feel like I'm thinking about too many things at this moment. I'm thinking about things that may or may not even come true.

I didn't even bother getting out of bed this morning because I felt like crap, I'm getting this strange cough, and I've been having really severe headaches. So I slept in till about noon, and then instead of doing something productive like study for my international finance exam, or finishing braiding my super long braids I just sat in front of my computer and googled True Blood themed parties, zombie themed parties, and Mad Men themed parties. I've actually come to the conclusion that I am throwing a Mad Men finale party. I've been planning the menu for that all day since the premier  is this Sunday I would not have any time to prepare.

I need to focus on what is important and that is all of my economics classes. I think that is what has me in the dumps, I have no distraction from it. Thats all I'm taking are economics classes. I want to be a grown up all ready with a great job and a cool house. I feel like things are moving way to slow for me.

If one more person calls me a Hipster I think I may just die.

Monday, March 19, 2012

shave my head

I really want to shave one side of my head, but I don't know if twenty five is too old, or not. I'm back in class today and it totally sucks after being on Spring Break for ten days. I also feel a bit sick. I get my exam back in managerial economics today, I hope I made a 100.

In the mean time I am sitting in Holden Hall eating a cinnamon roll and drinking a vanilla frappuccino because Dr. Gilbert is sick ( I hope he gets better, he is really old, and he never cancels class) we were all caught off guard when we noticed that he was not in class. It also sucks because we have an exam on this friday so we could have used this extra day of lecturing

Saturday, March 17, 2012

why am I so

Lazy jeeze, I have literally done nothing all day. I did go eat at West Crust today and it was so amazingly good. I have leftover chicken biryani in the fridge but I don't want it. I'm supposed to be braiding my hair but I don't really feel like it. I think I may work on it all day tomorrow. I feel like watching a marathon of Game of Thrones.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Happy Birthday to me

Well It's been a year or so since I started this blog. and I don't really have any major updates.

Today was a good day.
Birthday money from my parents, I don't know what to buy
Crossants and lemon curd for breakfast
Movie date " Friends with Kids" I love Jon Hamm
Dinner at Maharajas (so much food and leftovers)
Bought two cool silk scarves
Cheesecake with 25 candles

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

No more work

I am so excited. Ok so I started to read the Hunger Games book... It's pretty ok so far. I didn't move on to the next round of interviews for TFA but thats ok, I just need to finish school and move.

I also bought some yummy lemon curd from Scotland. I need to move to the UK now. It's official I need to move to the UK, so I can get my fill of British fashion, custards, and pounds.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I'm so bored

I woke up extremely early so I could fax these documents off and I don't know if the office that they were supposed to be faxed to had their fax machine even turned on. It didn't work, so I will attempt it again tomorrow when I leave work at 2. On the bright side when I was out since it was so early I was able to eat breakfast for the first time in several months. Yummm breakfast with orange juice

I still have to decide what to bake with all these eggs I have in the fridge, I haven't decided yet. I find out about the TFA stuff tomorrow... I don't want to be disappointed but I probably will.

Monday, March 12, 2012

two more days

I just need to make it past these next two days and then rest and relaxation. I worked in the reception area today and it was so easy, I basically read for international finance and started to read some Wall Street Journal articles.

I also managed to look up some other schools. Life, I'm going to have to make some tough decisions soon.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Downton Abbey

I just watched the whole first season on Netflix and I absolutely love that show. I was a bit hesitant on watching it because after last years Golden Globes everyone was on the Downton Abbey bandwagon. So after about a year and a half I decided to give it a try and I am so happy I did.

First it reminds me of 1900 House, which was a reality show on PBS that placed people into a country estate in the UK and assigned them roles as downstairs staff or upstairs nobility. I was hooked on that show So it made Downton Abbey easy to watch because I knew what scullery maids were and the roles of footmen and such.

I just relaxed and watched that all day and I made me and Nisha's lunch for tomorrow. I can make it two and a half more days of work. I have to work at the reception desk but at least I'm going to be making money. I plan on catching up on my reading while I'm there. so it won't be that bad.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Spring Break

Well I haven't been able to blog since Wednesday because I had an exam in my managerial economics class. So Thursday I was up all night studying with friends at the library and when I got home that night it was around 3am and then I studied a bit on my own and then I went to sleep for a few hours. Friday I ran errands and I then just crashed and went to sleep all night friday and here we are today.

I am so happy it is Spring Break. I don't have any money so I will not be going on any fancy trip. I'm just going to chill at my home and bake, clean, relax, watch some of the things in my netflix queue, and then study for international finance.

I find out if I move on for TFA on Wednesday after 6 and my birthday is Friday... I'm getting old.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

vegan cupcakes

I am watching Cupcake Wars and I want to one day own a bakery.... I don't know why

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

so so nervous

that interview was stressful, but I think it went well. I hope I get to move on to the next step. So now I am going to stuff my face with pasta and eat mango ice cream and watch the food network. I can study tomorrow.

Interview aside, it was a wonderful day in Lubbock, me and Nisha were able to meet up and eat lunch outside but now it is windy as hell outside.

I need this job opportunity to move... I can't take this wind anymore

Monday, March 5, 2012

So close

Basically I slept in today. I was just too exhausted. I missed all of my classes and I didn't go to work today. I did have an opportunity to research TFA and complete the remaining requirements. I have a phone interview at 8:20 PM tomorrow. I hope they choose me, then I will have a face to face all day interview, and then I will be assigned a school to teach for two years. I hope everything goes according to plan. I should pray for this. Well everyone should.