Saturday, April 21, 2012

Water for Elephants

I just finished watching that movie. I know I'm a year late but I did download the book on my kindle, but since my kindle died on my I haven't had a chance to read it. I was actually side tracked because I'm supposed to be re organizing my room and desk area, but I've just managed to move junk around. I found so many dishes in my room, I'm officially a slob. Well I will have my room finished today atleast, that is my weekend goal. I also decided to keep my old laptop instead of selling it because it is actually working pretty good, so I have it set up sort of like a desktop/typewriter for the book that I will try to write daily. I also decided to put my sewing machine in it's case and clear off my sewing table to make an even larger desk area, I mean I need the space for all of my economic books as well as just a larger desk. I found my diploma still in the round little mailer that Tech mailed it in and I decided to put it in my shadow box that I bought two years ago. I can't believe I graduated two years ago, and that I will be graduating again in December. Learning and amassing copious amounts of debt is amazing.

I need to find a better job so I can save money and either repair my car or buy a new one all together. I need to get things together

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