well my sister hasn't had a job since may which means all of my money is going to bills until my mom gives us money to pay our rent. She went back to talk to her old boss because since she is going to graduate school maybe she could get her old job back. He said he would email her tomorrow. I know we are going to have to turn the cable off because it is almost two hundred bucks and literally we watch nothing, or there is nothing on. I'm happy to continue to pay around 20 bucks to watch internet tv. Between our Netflix, Amazon Prime, and now Hulu plus we can continue to watch the shows that we do watch but we will have to do something about True Blood or we will just have to wait until she gets a job to get HBO again.
I was just feeling really lazy today and I did not go to any of my classes today and I didn't go to work or study for my exam that I have tomorrow. I just basically slept till 3:30 pm or so. I will probably wake up early and eat eggs and coffee, go to my Math Analysis class, then head to the library and study for two hours and then take my exam and then head to work. I have some knowledge on the subject but I need to make an A on this exam and I didn't do as well on his exam last week.
I'm ready for Summer 1 to be over. I'm ready for the fourth of July and eating watermelon and braiding my hair. It has been really hot lately like 104. I'm going to die this summer.
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