It's been a while since my last post. This weekend was crazy hectic. Nisha graduated on Friday so that took a lot of preparation to get our home ready for our parents and other family members who made the trip to Lubbock. So I was busy getting her ready, shopping I scored the cutest taupe 4.5 inch stacked heel and a green velvet belt. Well Nisha looked beautiful and so grown up. My parents couldn't stay long because my dad's brother died, so they only stayed one night which was sad because it is actually fun when they are here. Our house is now stocked with meat thanks to my dad, and air freshener plug ins. My room smells like mixed berries. I made cake balls this weekend and I think I would call them more of a cake truffle because the inside is definitely more of a truffle consistency than cake. I will definitely make them again just not in a while because they are really rich. I was able to catch up on my sleep and TV shows since finals are over and this semester is over. At the graduation my dad asked me why don't I just get my doctorate while I'm still young. Hmmmm Dr. Jasmine Elliott does sound kind of cool, but like he also mentioned I have been in school since I was 4 years old. I am now 25, I need a break from the classroom. I didn't go to work today and I won't go tomorrow either because I need a break from work as well as school. Tomorrow I think I will hit up the thrift shops and the book stores. It will be a good tuesday. So here's a couple of pictures from the weekend.
Here's my little sister in the green Calvin Kline dress, she just graduated with a BA in Anthropology and a BA in Sociology. She is so dang smart and she's only 21. She will be working on her MA in Criminology this fall. I'm in the middle with my old lady scarf and my vintage Coach bag.... I love that bag, and the smell of old leather. My shoes made me 6'3 it felt good to be so tall. Next to me in those crazy coral pants is my twin brother, he sort of has an affinity for older things too. That's why we get along so well. He needs to graduate all ready.
Here's a picture of the cake truffles I made, I used red sprinkles and they are too rich and no I didn't eat all four of those. They are way too sweet.
Oh and I made a B in international finance........ I'm happy
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