I've wanted this headboard for the longest time and I will definitely be making another one in the future. I found that the hardest part was choosing the fabric. It was so hard, or I'm just an indecisive person. The next headboard I make will probably be made using a velvet, or velvet like fabric.
Here's how the headboard turned out it's for my full bed.
To get to this point there's a couple of things you need
Pegboard (51x36) that's the size I wanted the headboard to be {$17.75 Home Depot}
2 yards of your fabric of choice (I chose a grey/ silver taffeta) {on sale $12.49 a yard Hancock Fabrics}
Spray adhesive {$5.88 at Wal Mart}
3 inch Foam (51 inches) this is super expensive {$32.99 a yard at Joann's so total $46.75} I had a 50% off coupon so I paid $23.37
I used 24 1 1/8 inch Buttons {These were $15.00 with coupons from Joann's}
Giant upholstery needle {$1.97 Wal Mart}
Upholstery thread {$1.99 Hobby Lobby}
Staple Gun and Staples {FREE}
Hot Glue Gun {$2.99 Hobby Lobby}
Glue Sticks {$4.99 Hobby Lobby}
Batting {$2.99 Hobby Lobby with 40% off coupon}
I should also mentioned that I set a budget of the cash that I had in my wallet which was $75.00, I was over my budget, this cost me around $100 but it is way cheaper than the $400- 800 headboards that I wanted.
I began this process by trying to map out how I was going to arrange the buttons and the spacing. I just jotted this down on paper and then used basic math to determine spacing
then I placed the cut pegboard (get this cut at Home Depot, they do it for free there) and placed my foam on top of the pegboard and placed the fabric on top just to make sure where to cut the extra fabric to make the buttons
I then took the fabric off and marked where I wanted to buttons to go with a sharpie and glued the foam to the pegboard using the spray adhesive
I then added the batting but I did not glue this down and marked where the buttons go through with a sharpie
I didn't take a picture of me making the buttons, but those took a bit of time making all of those.
Next I placed the fabric on top and ran my first button through and pulled it tight and stapled the thread to the back of the board and then I used hot glue to also glue the thread down.
And I just continue this process row by row
When I finished all of the rows I then stapled the fabric that extended past the foam because you aren't going to see this part
I then folded and stapled all of the fabric to the back of the board
The headboard sits on top of my box spring and mattress it's awesome