What does that even mean? When I think of myself, I feel like I have no culture. I'm a culture girl and I love everyone's culture but I feel like I belong to nothing. I really think that no one cares about preserving traditions and practices for the future generations. I am already dreading the day when one of my curious little kids ask me about my heritage or stories about my grandma or great grandpa, because I don't know what I will say.
Maybe I could say that my heritage and culture is deeply rooted in American traditions and beliefs. That would be a lie though.
or maybe I could put things in a hat or bowl and just whatever I pick is what I will participate in. This isn't making any sense I need sleep.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
I seem to be in the habit of blogging every two days, which I guess is a good start. Oh and it will knock off one of my things to do before I'm 30. I didn't go to work today, because I didn't really feel like sitting at a desk for 3 hours. Oh poor me I know. What am I going to do when I get in the real world. I came home and ate cheese filled ravioli and watched The Kids Are All Right, I kind of love Mark Ruffalo. I feel like there are so many things I should do today such as; my laundry, clean the kitchen and living room, read a ton of articles for my Russian Politics class, as well as read a few chapters of my Politics in Russia book. In reality I will probably take a nap, practice my French speaking, and study some Russian phrases. I want to learn more languages, I feel it will be useful with my whole international economics career.
I really have been wanting to get rid of some of our bulky furniture in our living room. I'm leaning towards a more retro look. Which I already have several pieces thanks to my parents but I need to get rid of our futon ( it's a classier futon) but still it's too big, and it's great for unexpected guest but I'd much rather buy two vintage chairs and move my cool new bookshelf in between those chairs and make a sort of reading lounge where the futon is. I have one chair that I found at a vintage shop that is amazing and I got for a steal. The chair is a mustard yellow, with a very high back, and it has tassels and buttons. I love it but I need one more chair. I found this one from Urban Outfitters but it is about 300% more expensive than the chair I just bought. I hope I will run across one for a cheaper price, and then that futon will be in the dumpster.
I really have been wanting to get rid of some of our bulky furniture in our living room. I'm leaning towards a more retro look. Which I already have several pieces thanks to my parents but I need to get rid of our futon ( it's a classier futon) but still it's too big, and it's great for unexpected guest but I'd much rather buy two vintage chairs and move my cool new bookshelf in between those chairs and make a sort of reading lounge where the futon is. I have one chair that I found at a vintage shop that is amazing and I got for a steal. The chair is a mustard yellow, with a very high back, and it has tassels and buttons. I love it but I need one more chair. I found this one from Urban Outfitters but it is about 300% more expensive than the chair I just bought. I hope I will run across one for a cheaper price, and then that futon will be in the dumpster.
Monday, March 28, 2011
House Hunters
I can't wait to buy a house one day, but I know that is in the distant future seeing as I am still in school. In Lubbock of all places, but after this semester and then one more year I will graduate again and I think I will move somewhere north of here, somewhere urban, hip, and where young professionals live. I don't think I would miss Texas all that much, I want to live somewhere that has seasons, and beautiful greenery. I think I would like a fixer upper first, so I can put my own touch on it. Ok I know people obsess over their first home, so I don't feel bad. I want a 2-3 bedroom home. Master bed room needs an en suite bath, I really want a claw foot tub. A home with some character as well, oh a lot of windows for natural light, some green space out back so Daisy can play. Hardwood floors, a fireplace, a porch, room for a hot tub out back, and a large kitchen. I don't think that's too demanding.
I've been reading a ton of Russian writers like Pushkin, Lermontov, and Chekhov. I want to be a Russian writer.
that was a random thought. I really need to either work more, or get another job because I want to go to India soon, I already have a 10 rupee note thanks to my friend Kirti. I am told that would buy me a cup of tea or something. I'm excited.
I've been reading a ton of Russian writers like Pushkin, Lermontov, and Chekhov. I want to be a Russian writer.
that was a random thought. I really need to either work more, or get another job because I want to go to India soon, I already have a 10 rupee note thanks to my friend Kirti. I am told that would buy me a cup of tea or something. I'm excited.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Holi Festival
Today was pretty much a lazy afternoon until Nisha picked me up after she left work. We went up to school for the Holi festival and it was actually fun. This was my first time actually going to one, and after seeing everyone bright pink and purple last year, I decided that I was definitely not missing the opportunity in 2011. I made some new friends, Free t-shirt "I survived Holi", watched some traditional Indian dances, and the best part Maharajah's catered so yes deliciously free Indian food. I was able to try a bunch of different things along with my favorite Samosas.
It was such a nice day today, that after we left, we stopped by Bahama Bucks for some shaved ice. Later we sat outside with the dogs and studied. I have a Russian Culture exam and Nisha was supposed to be studying Maya Archaeology but she was listening to BBC1 radio or something.
Everyone keeps wanting me to go clubbing with them, I know I'm 24 I should be out dancing and drinking with my friends, but I'm not the clubbing type. I actually hate clubs. Who would want to go somewhere thats full of people, drinks are expensive, people are bumping into you, it's dark and smokey, and extremely hot and there are shady people in there. I much prefer a bar, or my couch and movies with friends. I am such a loser.
I'm ready for summer
I still need to clean
I still need to study
I need to eat dinner now, Pad Thai it is
It was such a nice day today, that after we left, we stopped by Bahama Bucks for some shaved ice. Later we sat outside with the dogs and studied. I have a Russian Culture exam and Nisha was supposed to be studying Maya Archaeology but she was listening to BBC1 radio or something.
Everyone keeps wanting me to go clubbing with them, I know I'm 24 I should be out dancing and drinking with my friends, but I'm not the clubbing type. I actually hate clubs. Who would want to go somewhere thats full of people, drinks are expensive, people are bumping into you, it's dark and smokey, and extremely hot and there are shady people in there. I much prefer a bar, or my couch and movies with friends. I am such a loser.
I'm ready for summer
I still need to clean
I still need to study
I need to eat dinner now, Pad Thai it is
Friday, March 25, 2011
Gulab Jamun
I love love love Gulab Jamun so very much. My friend Kirti made them for us at work today, which was a great day. Who wouldn't want to eat Lasanga and Gulab Jamun while working. Now I am home from school and work, yes weekend. We are watching Russian movies tonight and I'm going to make french toast for dinner. I am officially broke, I just got paid today and I have no money, I'm so thankful for my Mom.
I need to work more
I need to clean up too
I need to post pictures of my latest finds
Yummy Gulab Jamun, I'm attempting to make these... but instead of using Cardamom and Saffron, I will be using Cinnamon and Nutmeg. Hopefully they turn out just as delicious.
I need to work more
I need to clean up too
I need to post pictures of my latest finds
Yummy Gulab Jamun, I'm attempting to make these... but instead of using Cardamom and Saffron, I will be using Cinnamon and Nutmeg. Hopefully they turn out just as delicious.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
oh my god
I love Ida Maria by the way
hmmmmm for the past two days on campus, there has been some crazy religious fanatics preaching the Godly principle of hate to us college students. Its just really sickening all the assumptions and judgments, I mean this Brother Jed guy thinks he is sin free like a modern day Jesus. I couldn't help but listen as I left my classes and continued to walk to the Southwest Collection Library trying to go to work, and I was condemned as being a whore by Brother Jed and his crazy wife. People are crazy nowadays.
hmmmmm for the past two days on campus, there has been some crazy religious fanatics preaching the Godly principle of hate to us college students. Its just really sickening all the assumptions and judgments, I mean this Brother Jed guy thinks he is sin free like a modern day Jesus. I couldn't help but listen as I left my classes and continued to walk to the Southwest Collection Library trying to go to work, and I was condemned as being a whore by Brother Jed and his crazy wife. People are crazy nowadays.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
The End....
Well Spring Break is over for me....time to get back into the swing of things. I'm ready for summer now. I am utterly dreading school and work tomorrow. Sometimes I wonder if it's all worth it. Especially the way things are now, will I even get a job after everything is finished. Knowing me I will probably end up being one of those young twenty-something year old that has to move in with their parents. I don't want to search the classified ads while my dad sits next to me saying why did you go to college and earn two degrees anyway.
My spring break went so well, but now I'm a little depressed especially when summer rolls around. Umm I'm already getting wedding invitations(I never go to them, I feel pathetic at them). Oh and with the summer brings me one step closer to graduating, and I don't want to live at home due to lack of a job. I feel like when I get married I won't even have many bridesmaids. I'm like Paul Rudd's character in I Love You, Man. I need to make some close girl friends... why am I so mean.....
I need to eat some dinner now,
My spring break went so well, but now I'm a little depressed especially when summer rolls around. Umm I'm already getting wedding invitations(I never go to them, I feel pathetic at them). Oh and with the summer brings me one step closer to graduating, and I don't want to live at home due to lack of a job. I feel like when I get married I won't even have many bridesmaids. I'm like Paul Rudd's character in I Love You, Man. I need to make some close girl friends... why am I so mean.....
I need to eat some dinner now,
Friday, March 18, 2011
I always do this...
I mean I wait to the last minute to do anything. My parents are currently driving about 5 and a half hours to come visit me and my sis. I really need to tidy things up in here. My mom is the type of person that when she comes over she notices the dust in your window seals. So she will probably clean our house all weekend, but I do like to do a sort of rough run through or something. They are bringing us a patio set for our backyard... yes now after class and work I can sit outside with some sweet tea and laptop and write endless papers over Russian Politics,Russian Culture, and I might even have some time to think about Economics as well. I was being sarcastic, going back to any of those before mentioned classes after Spring Break is going to be detrimental to my free time. Professors always wait till after a break to have papers due, or spring some random quiz on you over materials before you went on break. Oh and I think my brother might come down and visit this weekend. Yes Twin Time. On a side note I've been watching season one of Modern Family all day. I think that show is hilarious.
I really need to give my poor dog a bath, instead of being her usual white and tan color, she is more of a nasty brown. She gives me these sad looks, she knows she is dirty. I'm going to bathe her tonight, after I get my room a little more organized. I hate when my mom goes in my room... yes even though I'm 24, and looks around and says Jasmine, why are you so messy? I'm not messy I just have a lot of things like bags,shoes,and books everywhere. When I have my Masters and get an amazing job, I should be able to afford a larger place to live, which will more likely have more space.
I better get back to cleaning/rearranging/reorganizing/throwing things away right now.
I really need to give my poor dog a bath, instead of being her usual white and tan color, she is more of a nasty brown. She gives me these sad looks, she knows she is dirty. I'm going to bathe her tonight, after I get my room a little more organized. I hate when my mom goes in my room... yes even though I'm 24, and looks around and says Jasmine, why are you so messy? I'm not messy I just have a lot of things like bags,shoes,and books everywhere. When I have my Masters and get an amazing job, I should be able to afford a larger place to live, which will more likely have more space.
I better get back to cleaning/rearranging/reorganizing/throwing things away right now.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Twenty Four
Well my birthday is officially over now.... sad.
The day was both good and bad.
Why the day was bad = well normally I would meet up with my brother and we share a drink at a bar or somewhere and just talk about life. He was indisposed this year but maybe I will still get to see him, seeing as he's only three and a half hours away anyways. (He doesn't read this but I got him the first season of Spartacus: Blood and Sand; I know he'll like it because we are twins duh). Also those vans in the before mentioned post were sold out where I am, which means I have to order them online, which means waiting and paying for the extra shipping. Oh I went into MAC today to buy lipstick (I have way too many lipsticks from there,but I'm addicted to their lipsticks OK) and I tried on the most beautiful shade of red...it was Ruby Woo which matched perfectly with my NW47 shade of skin?... I guess that's how they describe your skin tone...well long story short they were sold out. Lastly birthday dessert late in the night was gross. I thought I loved peanut butter, but I hate peanut butter sauce... sickening.
Why the day was good= My MOM called me early in the AM to wish me a Happy Birthday, and she gave me lots of money to buy my own gifts. She is amazing, and she's the best mom a kid could wish for. My hair is so cool and puffy and black...I was going for the Chaka Khan look...I think it looks good on me. I had a wonderful lunch/dinner with my sister (parents are coming to visit this weekend) yummmy chicken chipotle paninni and broccoli soup and blah blah. Oh I scored 3 new skirts and two new shirts, one of the shirts have crazy sequins on the sleeve that remind me of metal fish scales...thank you Gap. To top it off about 30 minutes ago we got 20 chicken nuggets for free from the McDonalds manager...Why? Who cares....
overall a great day....new hair pics soon
The day was both good and bad.
Why the day was bad = well normally I would meet up with my brother and we share a drink at a bar or somewhere and just talk about life. He was indisposed this year but maybe I will still get to see him, seeing as he's only three and a half hours away anyways. (He doesn't read this but I got him the first season of Spartacus: Blood and Sand; I know he'll like it because we are twins duh). Also those vans in the before mentioned post were sold out where I am, which means I have to order them online, which means waiting and paying for the extra shipping. Oh I went into MAC today to buy lipstick (I have way too many lipsticks from there,but I'm addicted to their lipsticks OK) and I tried on the most beautiful shade of red...it was Ruby Woo which matched perfectly with my NW47 shade of skin?... I guess that's how they describe your skin tone...well long story short they were sold out. Lastly birthday dessert late in the night was gross. I thought I loved peanut butter, but I hate peanut butter sauce... sickening.
Why the day was good= My MOM called me early in the AM to wish me a Happy Birthday, and she gave me lots of money to buy my own gifts. She is amazing, and she's the best mom a kid could wish for. My hair is so cool and puffy and black...I was going for the Chaka Khan look...I think it looks good on me. I had a wonderful lunch/dinner with my sister (parents are coming to visit this weekend) yummmy chicken chipotle paninni and broccoli soup and blah blah. Oh I scored 3 new skirts and two new shirts, one of the shirts have crazy sequins on the sleeve that remind me of metal fish scales...thank you Gap. To top it off about 30 minutes ago we got 20 chicken nuggets for free from the McDonalds manager...Why? Who cares....
overall a great day....new hair pics soon
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Birthday things....
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Asos Crochet Dress $62.76 |
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Howl on DVD $15.99 |
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Walking Dead DVD $17.99 |
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MAC lipstick in Lady Danger $14.50 |
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Dior Nail polish in Gris Montaigne $ 21.00 |
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Givenchy Very Irresistible Eau de Parfum $93.00 |
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Vans Sophie $55.00 |
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Toms Ash Canvas Women's Wedges $69.00 |
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All seeing eye tapestry $38.00 |
Cook book $13.41 |
Birthday things.... Birthday things
So basically my mom said I could buy things with her money. These are a few things that I've been wanting, and you only turn 24 once right???
Where has the time gone...
I am about to be another year older tomorrow, and just thinking of the day makes me both happy and sad. Of course I am beyond ecstatic that I will be 24 tomorrow, a nice even number divisible by 2,3,4,6,8,12,24...but I am sad because I feel like I should have accomplished much more by now.. yes I have graduated from college which is pseudo-important to me, but there are many things that I still need to do or accomplish. So I've been racking my brain, and I've compiled a list of 60 things that I need to do by the time I'm 30 years old (6 years and one day from now) I need to have these completed.
and here is that above mentioned list: (in no particular order)
1.) Go to a Broadway play on actual Broadway... in New York
2.) Read all of C.S. Forester's written works
3.) Learn at least one song on my guitar.
4.) Own 30 pairs of designer heels
5.) Visit London, specifically the Tower of London
6.) Ride in a hot air ballon
7.) Learn a monologue and perform it to a crowd
8.) Learn French
9.) Watch every Marlon Brando movie
10.) Go to a live taping of a late-night talk show
11.) Sew a complete dress
12.) Plant a garden
13.) Get married
14.) Learn how to drive a manuel
15.) Visit Palenque, in southern Mexico
16.) Post on a blog site for a complete year
17.) Make a short film
18.) Go to a film festival
19.) Eat at Hell's Kitchen
20.) Fly a kite on a beach
21.) Lose weight
22.) Visit Tonga
23.) Eat a croissant in Paris
24.) Get a job in a foreign country
25.) Buy an amazing car
26.) Host a fancy dinner party
27.) Have a baby named Skylar Jean
28.) Take a picture with every state sign
29.) Run a half-marathon
30.) Ride a horse
31.) Watch Gone with the Wind
32.) Fish in Oregon
33.) Buy a bow tie
34.) Go to a major sporting event
35.) Go to a flea market
36.) Refinish an old table
37.) Volunteer at a soup kitchen
38.) Stomp grapes in Italy
39.) Go to an Olympic event
40.) Ride on a sail boat
41.) Make my own perfume
42.) Own another Japanese Chin and name him Gatsby
43.) Go to a fancy spa
44.) Learn how to ski
45.) Go to a cool thrift store in Austin, Texas
46.) Watch My Chemical Romance live
47.) Be in the Top Gear studio
48.) Take a picture with someone famous
49.) Write a short story
50.) Get that short story published
51.) Listen to all of the Beatles recordings
52.) Drink Beer in Germany
53.) Drive on the Autobahn
54.) Join a book club
55.) Visit India
56.) Eat a hot dog in Central Park
57.) Have my Master's degree in Economics
58.) Visit Kensington, and Versailles in the same day
59.) Bake a Souffle
60.) Purchase my first home
This is a long list but I'm actually working on some of these right now, hopefully I can accomplish many of these before I am 30.
and here is that above mentioned list: (in no particular order)
1.) Go to a Broadway play on actual Broadway... in New York
2.) Read all of C.S. Forester's written works
3.) Learn at least one song on my guitar.
4.) Own 30 pairs of designer heels
5.) Visit London, specifically the Tower of London
6.) Ride in a hot air ballon
7.) Learn a monologue and perform it to a crowd
8.) Learn French
9.) Watch every Marlon Brando movie
10.) Go to a live taping of a late-night talk show
11.) Sew a complete dress
12.) Plant a garden
13.) Get married
14.) Learn how to drive a manuel
15.) Visit Palenque, in southern Mexico
16.) Post on a blog site for a complete year
17.) Make a short film
18.) Go to a film festival
19.) Eat at Hell's Kitchen
20.) Fly a kite on a beach
21.) Lose weight
22.) Visit Tonga
23.) Eat a croissant in Paris
24.) Get a job in a foreign country
25.) Buy an amazing car
26.) Host a fancy dinner party
27.) Have a baby named Skylar Jean
28.) Take a picture with every state sign
29.) Run a half-marathon
30.) Ride a horse
32.) Fish in Oregon
33.) Buy a bow tie
34.) Go to a major sporting event
35.) Go to a flea market
36.) Refinish an old table
37.) Volunteer at a soup kitchen
38.) Stomp grapes in Italy
39.) Go to an Olympic event
40.) Ride on a sail boat
41.) Make my own perfume
42.) Own another Japanese Chin and name him Gatsby
43.) Go to a fancy spa
44.) Learn how to ski
45.) Go to a cool thrift store in Austin, Texas
46.) Watch My Chemical Romance live
47.) Be in the Top Gear studio
48.) Take a picture with someone famous
49.) Write a short story
50.) Get that short story published
51.) Listen to all of the Beatles recordings
52.) Drink Beer in Germany
53.) Drive on the Autobahn
54.) Join a book club
55.) Visit India
56.) Eat a hot dog in Central Park
57.) Have my Master's degree in Economics
58.) Visit Kensington, and Versailles in the same day
60.) Purchase my first home
This is a long list but I'm actually working on some of these right now, hopefully I can accomplish many of these before I am 30.
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