Thursday, December 31, 2015

it's almost 2016

Whoa I think I say this all the time, but I'm actually going to try to make an effort to blog everyday for 2016, even if it's only a sentence or something that I thought was funny, I'll write about it. I have a cool journal/diary that my sister got me for my birthday but I didn't want to start writing in it in the middle of March, I wanted to wait to start in the new year. I have a lot on my mind now, and I'm hoping for great things this year, I'm trying to stay more positive. I have a couple of goals this year.

1.) Eat more veggies
                 I know that I should and I think I can make some great recipes and this overall will           improve my health

2.) Drink more water
                 I got a cool water bottle with a fruit infuser for Christmas, so I need to make great use of it.  I already made some progress with this, but I want to eliminate all sugary drinks, so thats one of my goals.

3.) Travel More
                I made progress in 2015, but I want to travel internationally. Maybe Thailand, maybe China, maybe Spain, I'm going to make it happen in 2016

4.) Wear more makeup
                I know this is a weird one, but I've been buying a ton of makeup now, and I want to make myself look beautiful

5.) Save more
               I am horrible at saving, and to achieve some of these goals I do need money, my finances got a bit out of order in the later half of 2015. I need to fix this.

6.) I really want to read more poetry, especially African-American poetry
                This came about while I was watching Jeopardy, and there was a whole category on Black writers. I didn't know many of them. I was disappointed and felt that I'm hurting myself by not reading or knowing many of these great writers.

7.) Become more active
               I live a very sedentary life, and it's not that great, I do want to lose weight, so this goal would be beneficent to me.

8.) Become more confident
               I don't know if I need to be more confident, or just be more positive, but both would help me in 2016....sigh.

9.) Become more organized
                I really think if I learn to let go of some things this would help me stay organized, I am a messy person I know that, I'm also a very materialistic person, which leads me to acquire a lot of things. Oh and I have no storage space, it might be that I have too many things, I don't know. I need to get rid of things

Here's to 2016, as I lay in my panda pj's on the couch, drinking Starbuck's Peppermint Hot Chocolate, watching Charm School on Hulu like I'm ringing in 2007. I may update this list later, I have so many things to work on in 2016, hopefully this is my year and I can really be successful and happy.