Tuesday, August 23, 2011

So little to say.....

But so much time, despite my empty mouth the words are in my mind.
Well my summer is technically over and the fall semester starts this Thursday, how sad. This past summer session I made a B and a B+, so that wasn't bad.

I'm going to India in July! Bangalore and if I'm lucky Mumbai,I'm so lucky. I plan on stuffing my face with delicious food, shopping, visiting amazing temples and visiting the financial sectors of both cities (I need to sort of make this educational) I plan on using money from christmas and my birthday to fund this trip as well as possibly money from family members that might want to sponsor me.

I am currently at work, my boss left to do an interview, he should be back any minute. My computer is still broken so I will be getting a new one soon, in the meantime this iPhone will have to suffice. This makes blogging a little more difficult