Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day

Yeah I guess... so no updates lately because my computer had some kind of virus... but it's good now

I cooked a ton of food today. Some Potato Salad, Coleslaw, Sausage, Chicken, Baked Beans, and Hot Dogs, it was delicious.

I have to make something for dessert for our work pot luck this friday.... I don't know what to bake. I have to work a ton this month since I'm not during Summer 1, so I can make a ton of money... that means lipsticks galore,  and new TOMS.  The only thing about working in the summer is staying at work 8am-4:45pm... thats so much of the day, even though I just sit at my computer and google things all day but even that gets boring.

I want to move to London... soon....

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I'm Hopeful

 I'm really, truly, hoping, and praying every night that I get this internship. I sent everything off and tomorrow while at work I will go and fax my transcript and SAR report thing and play the waiting game. The internship is for Washington DC or overseas working for the government with cultural affairs and such, which is right up my alley. I need this so bad it will be a boost to my international employment dreams and give me that much needed job experience.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Antiques Roadshow!!!!!

Ok so I entered this random drawing to go to the Antiques Roadshow in El Paso about 5 months ago... guess what came in the mail today!!!!!!

Yes, two sparkling tickets to go on June 18th.... now I just need to find some antiques. I asked my bro if he would road trip to Lubbock and pick me up and then we would hit up second hand shops and buy the oldest looking things on the way to El Paso because you have to have at least one thing to be appraised. I figured we could have a little twin bonding adventure.

I've been working a lot more in the past few days... I can work 38 hours a week now, so that means more money to shop/ purchase expensive books for school.

I am researching other universities to possibly transfer to. I need to get out of Texas now and start a new life at the ripe old age of 24. I really feel myself living in the Pacific Northwest. I feel like my creative juices are being underutilized here in the grand old city of Lubbock.

I should probably start saving my money because I need a new car, I can't even move if I wanted to right now.

I'm looking at apartments now in Washington and Oregon.... Texas will soon be in my rearview mirror (When I either get a new car or get my Saab fixed)

Oh and I think I'm going to apply for that internship for next spring in the U.S or abroad... I want more abroad. I really want to get it, and I want to know what GOD wants me to do in this world, I don't know .....

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Help me out said the eagle to the dove

So I didn't make it to work today, bummer this means I have to work tomorrow through Friday pretty much all day. On the plus side I did get up around 10 am to start dinner. I made beans and sausage with cornbread.
actually just turned them off.

Since it is the summer I've been brewing a ton of Sweet Iced Green Tea. I didn't think I would be a fan  because I am addicted to black tea, come on I am from the South and I probably drink sweet tea almost every day. I am now a new convert of green tea.
Oh and I found a cool recipe for a chocolate pudding cake. I found it in my better homes recipe book, one of the thousand recipe books that I have acquired in the last year. It was cool because it used no eggs (which I've been using a lot of trying to master my chocolate souffles) so this was the perfect recipe.
they are so good, I will definitely be making these again. They are sort of like chocolate sponge cakes with gooey chocolate stuff on the bottom.

ok this post was full of food things.... I'm such a fatty

Monday, May 16, 2011


I have so many things I need to get done. I have been so lazy lately since it is officially summer for me. I only have about two weeks of summer before Summer 1 starts. I did so good this semester 3.66 gpa, I guess neglecting friends so I could study Russian Culture, and Politics paid off. I haven't even really been to work much, why am I so lazy. I plan on keeping up with this blog even if it will be the death of me. Many days I have interesting things to talk about it but I'm to lazy to type them up. I'm taking my laptop to work tomorrow so I can update this blog in the open air.

I've been trying to bake the perfect chocolate souffles but they turned out so crappy. I will reattempt to make them tomorrow. I called my mom and dad and they both gave me some pointers. I really want a cool set of vintage dessert dishes and tea cups. Maybe something in Carnival Glass, I love how it's so whimsical and colorful. My dad had a large collection of Carnival Glass so maybe it's something we could do together even though he lives 300 miles away from me.

Also I saw Bridesmaids this weekend and I actually laughed very loud. I am a big fan of Maya Rudolph. In my younger years (The early 2000's) I wanted to be her, I mean she is beautiful, extremely talented, and incredibly funny. Sadly to say I took the non comedic route of life. I want to be on SNL someday

Also since this semester is over I was able to finally have enough free time to read books that were gifts from Christmas 2010. ( Yes I am that behind on my leisure readings) of the books I choose to read first was Palo Alto, a collection of short stories written by James Franco.
I picked that one because it is by far one of the shortest books in my library and my brother borrowed it and read it and said he enjoyed it. Jermey and I have similar tastes so I thought I would enjoy it. I'm actually still not sure about this one, it's not a literary masterpiece or anything, but it is motivation for me to finish my short stories and possibly submit them to something somewhere and get them published.

Random, I bought the coolest vintage belts for about a buck a piece, I'll take a picture with the outfits I choose to where them with.

Also I've been getting compliments about my hair, which I will be changing in a bit. It's been coined that I'm sort of hippie chic. Several people have told me this...

I don't know... I'm not very hippie like, but I guess it's better than being labled a hipster by random people. I mean yes I love faux glasses, TOMS, skinny jeans, hats, and Mumford & Sons but that doesn't make me a hipster... right???

I'm currently soaking beans in a bowl for some red beans and rice for tomorrow... I'm so Cajun
I need to finish the dishes from all of the failed souffles

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I think I am about to die. I'm trying my best to keep up with this blog but I have so much to get done. After Monday May 9th, I will be free for about 3 months. No school just a bit of work (maybe I can save some money) and possibly a trip to Chicago during those three weeks of bliss until June 1st when Summer I starts.

I'm almost done studying for my Economics final for tonight, but I need to get my Russian Economic Reform paper finished by tonight (well the morning) so I plan on staying up all night, be done by 7am, take a shower and work around 9am- 4:30pm... then head over to the library and study for my Russian Politics class with Ayla.

I'm currently taking a break, I can't wait to be completely finished with school forever and get a grown up job. I will look back and be extremely happy.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Coke and Rum please....

I haven't been able to post in a while. School has taken up a lot of my time, but this semester will be over after next week. I was able to go out and have a bit of fun last night, even though I should have been writing papers or studying. I needed to have that break, smoke some hookah, go to bars, random street food, and Ihop it was great.
 I want to dye my hair red this summer...

I'm planning my Europe trip. Me and Chris decided yesterday that we will save money and just go. No buying shoes for me.

Oh our lunch dinner for work was amazingly delicious. Mi Taco Village near the airport has the best Green Chile Enchiladas around. They were so good.

Arbor Day was fun, I received a lot of free shirts, sat with Nisha in Memorial Circle and ate food then I went back to work, where I have literally been doing nothing.

I'm trying to remember what I've been doing since my last post but I can't remember. I've been thinking of wedding dresses lately, especially after seeing Prince William's wedding. I do like the more vintage silhouettes, I love lace. I love the romanticism of it all.

I want to wear something like this
It's perfect, I wouldn't want to wear the exact dress or even a replica by something similar but with my own spin.

One day